Monday, December 22, 2008

Home for the Holidays

The semester wrapped up nicely, it looks like I'm still in the running to graduate in May- which was questionable for a while.
Like I said before, I finished what I came to do, but it took a lot of hard work on my part. Not really something I'm afraid of.
One semester left. Getting nervous. Not sure if I'm ready for this whole "real world" thing. Seems like a lot of responsibility that I don't want. Suddenly, I realize why I wanted to go to grad school. Postpone the hard life.
I paid my second cell phone bill yesterday. Not sure why that is a milestone for me, but it is. I guess with each new bill I have to pay I feel a little bit more independent from my parents, feel less like their kid and more like a real person in the world.
I put myself in charge of Christmas Eve hors d'oeuvres. A lot more challenging than in past years when we would just sit around and eat cookies, since we will not be having Christmas cookies this year. I might be a rebel and bake something anyway, despite my parents wishes. As long as Fred eats them all, they'll be fine. I'm thinking on the docket will be chicken quesadillas, spinach and artichoke dip, a cheese ball, and ham roll ups. Possibly roasted mixed nuts and veggies and dip too, we'll see what I have time and budget for. I dunno, it just doesn't seem like Christmas without cookies. We'll see.
Parents got a snowmobile recently. I got to ride it, and got it stuck within five minutes. Go me. Fortunately, they're not that heavy, and I was able to push it back onto the road. Those things are FAST! I got up to about 35-40 mph before needing to slow down because the snow was hitting my face so hard that it was starting to get cold and painful. I feel like I can finally be accepted as a northern Minnesotan once I go ice fishing. Which might happen over this break- it would have happened yesterday, but the ice is really crappy on the lake by my house.
There is a Caribou coffee in Hibbing, only two years old. I thought that Hibbing was trying to appeal to the younger crowds and finally provide us with something to do besides loiter in Wal Mart, and that it would never be accepted completely by the city- it would forever remain Hibbing's attempt at metro culture. Yesterday evening, while I was waiting for an old friend, sitting across from me at a table were four old men, wearing carhart jackets, drinking coffee and talking about fishing, as if this were a Sunday afternoon at Sportsman's. I realized then, that it's not that Hibbing needed to adopt Caribou, but that Caribou needed to adopt Hibbing. It made me smile, as this is probably not something I would never see in Minneapolis.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Splendid Evening

Wicked. was. amazing.
I went out on a 'girl date' with my roommate. We'd been planning on seeing the Broadway production of "Wicked" since this summer, and we got tickets for tonight a few months ago. I've read the book, and was constantly bowled with "how awesome" it is, so needless to say I was really excited to go. It was all that it was talked up to be, and then some.
I absolutely love how it deviated from the book (which was good, but only mediocre in comparison to the musical), especially the way the end was changed for the musical. I definitely like the production's version better, but I've always been a sucker for happy endings.
Prior to the show, we went to McCormick and Schmick's- which was also incredible. Definitely good for the price (about $40/plate + wine). The dessert looked better than tasted, or maybe I was just too full (your waiter brings a tray of all the desserts so you see what they look like- definitely a marketing scheme because they all look fabulously tasty).
Honestly, the only downfall to the night is the fact that it was so cold outside that we ran (hopped) from place to place to stay warm- which gets dangerous in slippery conditions.
le sigh, I hope that I make a point to see more shows while living here. And I hope to one day see one on Broadway.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

End of Semester

I feel a little frustrated with myself right now. The semester is (basically) done, and I feel like I have nothing and everything to celebrate. I finally get to sleep, and have little to no work left for the rest of the semester. I have a job that I can't celebrate having because it pisses people off that I have a job, and I'm caught in an emotional turmoil that I'm angry at myself that I cannot overcome. I also really really want to play video games.
It started a while ago when I was playing "Overlord" on my friend's XBox. It was amazing, and made me remember how much I loved playing video games in high school (for those of you who didn't know me then, it was a lot more often than you probably think). Lately it's been something I do when I'm bored (rarely) and not actually something I look forward to anymore. I think I finally figured out why.
This morning I asked one of my friends if I would like Left 4 Dead. Instead of, "yeah" or "no" (the obvious answers) I got a disdainful look and a remark about how my PC probably couldn't play it (by the way, it can- it's not THAT old... yeesh.). It's not just this particular person in general, but it pretty much characterizes how most of my college friends feel about me playing video games. "oh look, Beth is trying to fit in again, how cute."
I don't think they realize how much it frustrates/angers/saddens me to the point where if I were to get something that I would play regularly, I don't feel comfortable telling any of them about it. So what, I'm not obsessed. Never was. But last time I checked, that doesn't mean I can't play at all.
And it just so happens that killing zombies may be up my alley. How would I know? I've never tried. I'm too self-conscious to do so.
I feel like if I get this game, I'm going to look like a poser trying to fit in with my friends that play video games (so... about 2/3 of them). But why should I not, if it's something I genuinely want to try? Not telling them would be the best option for me, however impossible given my circumstances.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

pet peeve

random pet peeve of the week:

when Athiests take the Lord's name in vain.

seriously, if you don't believe in Him, then don't swear on his name. Not only is it offensive, but it also makes no fucking sense.

Friday, November 07, 2008


For some inexplicable reason, I'm thrilled to be alive lately. There is no getting me down. Maybe I'm bipolar? Except for that feeling like I can accomplish anything, I don't have that.
Perhaps it's because I've finally faced the fact that I will accomplish what I set out to do, it's going to suck in the meantime, and I might as well be happy about it than not- otherwise I'm going to be miserable. There really is no getting around that.
I officially took the job with Ecolab. Now I just have to graduate. I'm really excited, now I just need to figure out where/with who I will be living. I don't really want to live by myself, but if I don't know anyone staying in the area, then I probably will instead of getting a random off Craig's list. I'm really excited to start there. I'm also really excited to finish college.
Senioritis has taken hold, fairly strongly. I think its knowing that my college GPA does not matter anymore, unless I want to get into a Master's program eventually (which I do, so I'm not completely dissing my grades). But also, at this point, my mind is just set on passing.
I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving. Here's hoping that I can finish my mitten while I'm there, and hopefully start on a hat. I'm starting to need those...
Lately I've been obsessed with John Wayne. What a stud, really. I think I'm going to get a framed poster of him, and put it next to The Godfather one that I already have. Fantastic decorations for my future bachelorette pad. I've also been inspired lately to find a life size storm trooper outfit and light saber for display. On the order of the bachelorette pad, I find that I'm being pressured to buy my guy friends' HDTV. They bought a Costco (40"?) one for about $750 about a year ago and plan on selling it for just under that. I'm not sure how I feel about this- I don't think I would really use that big of a TV, but it would be pretty sweet to have. I'm at an internal conflict: on one hand, the TV is pretty nice and if my friends want to sell it to me it means that no one else can really take it as easily off their hands, but on the other hand I really don't want or need one that large. Yeah, my plan was to get a nice HDTV, but a normal sized one. It's not like I'm going to have people over all the time like they do now, it would be pretty cool if I did, but most of the time it would just be me. I also know next to nothing about how to work it, and it would also mean a larger cable bill because I'll probably want the HD channels and fast internet. At this point, I'm kind of hoping that one of them will buy it so I don't have to decide.
Personally, I think that this is not a horrible problem to have :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

After all, Tomorrow is another day

To put it bluntly, relationships suck. I honestly don't know if I'm going to try it again. I fail miserably. And I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

A relationship with a good friend was not a good idea the first time around- so why did I think it would be different this time? On top of that, why did I try one with my ex's roommate? At this point, I realize that it never mattered how much I liked him.

I hate it when I'm so stupid.

This is a first for me. Normally I'm able to emotionally pull away at least a little. Actually, that's a lie. I think I've remained emotionally distant for the whole relationship. To protect myself from this. Or was I inviting it?

What do I want for my birthday?
Someone to love me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The English Patient and Thoughts on a Hectic Life

I forgot how rewarding it feels to finish an outline of a large paper. I just finished one for a paper that I need to write, after reading only three of my sources. Honestly, I feel really good about it, like I've accomplished something, that I've set out to finish what seemed like an impossible task.

the trick is to have the stupid thing written today... ugh. I really don't want to write 6 pages on the identity of the English Patient. Even though I did enjoy the story.

Everything else is going crazy. I literally sleep in my free time. I talk to friends while I'm doing homework, so I have some type of social life. My existence is defined by school. Probably the story of any other college student, I'm aware.

I guess that's not completely true, I do have some semblance of free time. Lately, I've just needed to spend it on job-related things- which should be just about over, now.

Halloween this weekend. If I don't dress up, I believe it will be the first Halloween that I have not dressed up. Not that it should be a big deal or anything, but just a fact of life. I haven't been blindsided with inspiration, and do not plan on trick-or-canning or entering a costume contest in a mass ticket with about forty of my friends. I love dressing up, when it's something original. This year I'll go as a chemical engineer. A farce, if you've seen my grades lately.

If this is what I should do with my life, I'll do it. I trust enough in God that he'll get me through this. A little hard work, faith, and determination. And by little, I might mean lots.

Elections are coming up, everyone figuring out who they're voting for in a week. TV is saturated with it. It makes me sick, especially because I like neither candidate, and a vote for anyone else would be throwing it away. Ron Popeil for President! Fix it and Forget it.

I've heard several times that America might not be ready for a black President. Quite honestly, what makes people believe that we're ready for a woman President either? The trend in our nation is to allow black men rights before any women (e.g. suffrage), why should our elected be different? Quite honestly, sexism has been around for eons longer than racism against blacks. And neither are removed from our society either, I realize, but I don't see the point in arguing against Obama just because "America isn't ready". America is very ready for a black President- hell, the UK had a black prime minister! We have a black secretary of state! And guess what- not assasinated.

Not that i'm pro-Obama. I'm non-partisan, and like I said before, favor neither candidate. I realize I'm going to have to make up my mind soon, but it's not going to be easy. It might get easier if Palin is allowed to keep speaking publicly... that might confirm that I really don't want to cast a vote that may put her in a position of any public power whatsoever. "nucular". ugh.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Job Searching

It's been a while since I updated, I guess it's starting to be like last year all over again! I promised myself I wouldn't let that happen. I did take steps to prevent being too overdrawn, however.
Searching for a job is probably one of the scariest things I've ever done to my future. Just knowing that in less than a year I will be living who knows where doing God knows what is a little frightening. On the bright side, it has been revealed to me lately that I will, in fact, have a job if I so choose at Ecolab- so at least I don't have to worry too much about that.
Macosko yesterday was trying to convince me to go to grad school. I can tell that he wants me to be happy and if he knew that what I wanted out of life and what I was doing to get there meshed he wouldn't be worried. I guess that needs explanation: I want to work in research and development, however not having an advanced degree hinders this process- and from what I've heard - also hinders moving up within the company (which also depends on the company). Thing is, if I go through any more school in the next year, I'm going to go batshit insane. I want to eventually get my masters degree, but not now, and hopefully not have to pay for it. Who knows, I might like working as a more traditional engineer too- whose jobs are rarely given to those with advanced degrees.
Maybe I feel like I'm making too many decisions that will really affect my future right now. I know these decisions are necessary, but I also know that they're very hard to fall back on. Chemical engineering is fairly unique in that these decisions are necessary- all of the mechanical, aerospace, electrical, etc. engineers that I know are all just looking for basic "jobs"- they don't need to specify product or process design as far as I know, and even if they do, I don't think that they're "stuck" in that particular field either. I guess this is why most companies have rotational programs for people like me, huh? I really don't want to get uprooted in the middle of something though, which always worries me with those things. I don't mind moving- hell, I've done it most of my life (max of four years in one place- the first place I lived! - and I'm living in place #14 I think...)
On a really exciting note, I'm travelling to Delaware next week, for an interview with DuPont! I am very excited for this, as I have never been to the East coast. Unfortunately, I won't be there long enough to experience anything- however I will be in downtown Wilmington for about three or four hours without anything to do a week from next Tuesday night. Exciting!!! Definitely bringing the camera (and extra batteries too).
I think I'm going to ask for money towards new digital camera for Christmas... as much as I like the old one, it's dying. Not just the batteries, but it's HUGE and doesn't fit well into my purse. I want a little one, but as most of you know I can't just get any piece of technology, so the one I have picked out is about $500. Which is approx. $300 out of my price range at the moment.
I can't wait to not be poor.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

3 month crash

It's been a while since I've been able to update, mostly because I've been so busy.
Everything I did was going really well for a while, which usually is more work than things going poorly, so believe me- I'm not complaining that I was busy. Busy is good. Keeps my mind off of some things and on more productive trains of thought. Also it means that things are going well.
And somehow over the course of all of this, I'm over him. Completely. He could bring home a supermodel and sex her up in front of me, and ironically I would wish him the best of luck, and no STD's. I feel like we can finally be friends again. Whether or not we will is entirely up to him, and I really wouldn't blame him for not wanting to be. Especially lately.
I finished with my internship yesterday. I was so steadfast on going to graduate school in May. Now I'm not sure that I'll even go at all. It's so remarkable how fast one can change their mind, and how that can affect their entire future. I took the GRE's- just in case, and I think I might get a master's degree while working. As long as I can do R&D (and be flexible whether or not I'd stay), I'll be happy. Ecolab was an eye opening experience into life in the corporate world, and life in R&D. I was told last January that I would hate it there. I didn't. I really didn't think I would either, but I knew it would be different. Each experience had their ups and downs, and I really don't think it's easy to compare the two internships- they were so different in every aspect. I know I had career altering experiences at both companies, and am very grateful for them.
Unfortunately, it would seem that now I need to update my resume and start searching for a job. Actually, I might be a little behind on that now, but fortunately my resume is pretty easy to update. Also, I was happy to hear that the career fair at the U is not until the third week of school, unlike the past few years where it has occurred the second week of school- meaning that I have a week to catch up.
It's a little frightening knowing that in less than a year, I have absolutely no idea where I'll be. I'm open to moving anywhere, I'm not tied down in any way, and would actually prefer to live in another part of the country (or world) for a while. I think I would prefer to stay in the continental 48, however.
In unrelated news, I'll be a TA for a freshman seminar this fall! I'm really excited, and actually will get the chance to lead a class!
Now I have two weeks before class starts, and I get to get ready for this class, go home for a while, and plan a SWE event. Like I said before, busy is good.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fourth of July

So, updates in my life thus far:
My job is AMAZING. I absolutely love it there, and I have a hard time going home some days. My boss is fantastic, and the people that work there are incredible. I'm making some great friends there.
I went up north again to see Missy run Grandma's, this time alone, and she did so well- I'm really proud of her. I know she'll make her goal of 4 hours sooner than later. Additionally, finishing five marathons is a huge accomplishment, that I'm not sure she's aware of.
Heading north again this weekend, this time with Mike. It should be fun, I have to take some time out on Friday to help Erica's sister plan a bridal shower and bachelorette party, which I'm really looking forward to (even if they are on the same day as the Macosko bbq... boo). I'm also really looking forward to their wedding, which I am starting to feel a little weird about. I'm going to have friends in a month that will be married. weird.
That makes me realize that soon I'm going to have to make some big decisions, like getting my own cell phone, car insurance, other stuff. I'll be an independent adult, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. That's if I don't go to graduate school though- apparently as long as I'm in school, Dad pays for insurance. I'll still need my own cell phone. I guess this means that I get a slider!! That could be dangerous, those things are way too amusing for my own good. Just like shiny objects.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Pet Peeve or Just Plain Stupid?

So, I've seen this several times:
Cop (usually a UMPD) beaches his car either on a lawn somewhere, a handicap spot, or in a no parking zone. Because, really. Who is going to give a cop a parking ticket. Another cop? I didn't think so.
So anyway, after haphazardly strewing their nasty vehicle in the most random spot, they get out, and leave it running. RUNNING. That's totally great for the environment, guys. Thanks. Additionally, I'm pretty sure they get compensated for gas- that they're wasting. Who compensates them? Who pays for cops? In the long run, we do. So when I see this, I get mad. As JG Wentworth would say, "It's my money and I need it NOW". Not some prissy cop who, for some dumbass reason decided to beach his/her car randomly and leave it running.
The worst part is, on more than one occasion I've witnessed this (because I was in the restaurant at the time watching out the window) the reason the cop stopped in the first place, is so that he/she can EAT LUNCH. And it's not a ohcrapIleftmycarrunningIneedtogetoutofthisplacefast kind of lunch... it's a let's sit down, have some coffee and pizza/cheeseburger/whatever, chat about life leisurely, while my fucking car pollutes the atmosphere and I charge taxpayers for my wasted already overpriced fuel kind of lunch.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Falling Out of Love

I can't believe there is a step-by-step method for this...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another tidbit

I also found out today that the paper that Zhiyong put me as an author on got published! w00t!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So, today I learned that my options for graduate school have very few limits if I continue how well I've been doing, and also do well on the GRE's.
I also learned that I would be presenting a poster at I prime (I'). At least I'm one of the authors on the poster, and I have to be there (I don't think I actually get to present anything).
I think I'm tasting colors right about now.
This is kind of a huge deal for an undergraduate researcher, rarely do we get to this level, and I mean I'm only an author on a poster, but it's totally something!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's over.

Officially, I am now a senior- one year from graduating with a degree in chemical engineering.
And you could probably say that I'm scared shitless.
Really, I'm not ready for the real world, and I don't think I will be in another year. Little by little I'm getting acclimated, but at least I'll (hopefully) have grad school to postpone that for a while.
It's also going to be really hard not looking for jobs with salaries.
I'll just need to keep my goals in mind: I don't want to be someone's bitch. I want to do my own things (in the interest of the company) and tell other people to do the easier stuff for me. I have no idea what degree that equates to, I figure it's a doctorate.
I'm definitely going to miss the people that are leaving for the summer, but really, we will probably all be so busy that school will start again before we know it and we will all be together again.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

oh bother

First final done! two to go, a final (art) presentation tonight, and a final paper to submit. Except for the two tests, everything is extremely close to being finished.
I really am not sure about this presentation tonight. What I drew is a little bit personal to me, if only for what it represents. The content of the drawing is pretty impersonal- just a broken picture frame.

EDIT: It actually turned out really well, people seemed to like it

But think about what kinds of things a broken picture frame represents? Broken love life, death of a loved one, some type of natural disaster...
I wanted to convey grief, and I feel like I managed to do that. I just don't want to share my grief with everyone else, yet I don't know how to otherwise display my drawing. I do want to pass the class, however, so I'm just going to have to suck it up and hope no one notices that this is more than just a drawing for me.
I guess this must be an artistic fear, this displaying of personal property. I don't like it, this is why I'm in engineering. Art is judged so subjectively, whether it is well-liked, hated, or indifferent depends on the person viewing it. This is a little like why I don't like people seeing my grades on exams, reading what I write- be it a short story or an opinionated essay, or seeing my personal property, or my small drawings in that notebook everyone has that no one else knows about. I guess you could say that I hate being judged, and it's something that I'm going to have to get over if I ever want to survive in the real world.
Buck up, little soldier.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Today was a Good Day.



ok, now back to your regularily scheduled programming.

Today was interesting. I freaked out about doing something that I wanted to but probably shouldn't have. I called Krysti who says its okay. Therefore: I feel much better.

Got to see an old friend from the floor last year, and spent a lot of time in my old dorm today. It was nice to see old friends. Later went out to a "sing-a-long" and saw more old friends. And some new ones too. All in all, a great night.

Not looking forward to finals week. Which starts like now. I'm glad I learned it the first time around, but it sucks to review, especially when there are more fun things I can be doing.

I wore shorts today. Completely out of my comfort zone- I don't like my legs. I also played Frisbee in the rain in them, which was a very cold experience. I warmed up pretty quickly though, I have thick skin.

I can't believe it's 1 AM already, time flew by way too fast today. It was nice to catch a break before the craziness of next week begins, and as usual, I'll keep ya updated!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

The end of... Well, it's a beginning of something, anyway

However frightening as this may be, I'm going to spill the beans here.

Out of lack of a real relationship lately, uncertainty about the future, and the very real fact that we would be separated for an extended period of time in less than a year, we broke up.

Few people know how badly I'm hurt. It takes a lot for me to let other people see me cry. Contrary to popular belief, I cry a lot.

I'm dreading the end of the semester, because I know how much I need to finish before then, however I am looking forward to the summer. Honestly, I can't wait for him to leave. Not because I don't like him, but because I need my space. I don't want to talk to him, I don't want to see him. The double edged part of this is that in not seeing or talking to him I've lost one of the best friends I've ever had. This more than anything makes me cry now.

Most people who knew me before college (when I was more frequently in and out of relationships) know that I recover pretty quickly. At least they think I do, from what they tell me. In my opinion, its the last month of the relationship- the inevitable pulling away from each other, the loss of communication, the lack of contact, and finally that last pull that escalates the severance- this is when I cope. There are times when I'm pretty inept at reading people, however after being so close to someone for so long, I'm pretty good at knowing what is on his mind, until he starts pulling away. This is when I know its over. It just takes my heart a while to get used to the idea.

Usually during this time we break up. This is exactly what happened here. I'm still coping with losing someone, but I think I might be on the butt end of it. I still love him, but over the summer that will probably change. I may date again before I graduate, we'll see. Not soon.

It doesn't have to be love and war, either. I know we will probably be friends again.

There are some things that I miss already, and I'm coping with living without them. In fact, I've probably not had these things for about a month and a half. We've been acting like only friends for that amount of time, anyway. It's a little difficult to consider yourself in a relationship with someone who won't even hold your hand.

I guess one of my favorite, however semi-emo, quotes best sums up my feelings right now:
"Don't confuse me with those who cling to hope"

I wish I knew who said/wrote that.

I'm not clinging to hope that he'll regret what he's done. I'm not clinging to hope that we'll get back together one day. I really don't believe in relationships that get "back together". I know people who are clinging to these hopes for me, just know that I'm not. I am not counting on having anyone special before I graduate college. I am not hoping for a date to my best friend's wedding. If God chooses it to be so, then it will. I put this in His hands now.

And finally, don't worry about me. I know this was a little bit of a tirade on me being fine and missing him, but I'm serious. I'll live, I'll be fine, and I could use a hug.

Thank you.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


It's really not supposed to snow in April. Dang, Minnesota. Dang.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I feel like...Computer.

Everyone says I shouldn't use Microsoft Vista. Well, I guess not everyone, but most people. Especially Mac users.

Let's examine the alternatives to Microsoft Vista, and I will explain exactly why I am using Vista (and much content with it, I may add).

Possible Alternative 1-Linux, and any other GNU OS.
Although I love the sound of free, I've witnessed way too many problems with Linux for me ever to trust it as my primary OS. Many friends of mine have it as secondary operating systems, for good reason. For one, I feel that there is a steep learning curve for this, having never used it I don't know for sure, but it seems programming-intensive. It definitely seems that one needs a knowledge of elementary programming before using this software. Furthermore, many programs that I use do not run on Linux systems. I realize that there are substitutes, for most of the programs, and the rest will probably eventually run on Linux, but in the meantime, I'm going to stick to one of the main two.

Possible Alternative 2- Windows XP
Quite frankly, unavailable for the most part, and is getting phased out. Why bother.

This leaves only one alternative to Vista, being MAC OSX. dun dun dunnn....

Possible Alternative 3-OSX
Let me be the first to say that any (current) MAC system is beautiful. Honestly, there is no equal when comparing functionality and style with the MAC systems. Unfortunately, I could give a crap about style when it comes to my computer. Give me a 5 lb laptop, if it can run, has good power/functionality, is fast, is reliable, and is CHEAP. Unfortunately, no such thing exists that can be bought in the mass market to date, that I've seen.
However, the functionality/style combo is not the only thing attractive to using a MAC- the monitors are remarkably better, and they (used to) run a lot better than their competition. Currently, I feel that the competition has since stepped up and they are on equal ground. Please correct me if I am wrong on this one, it's not something I've researched. I've also heard that "once you go MAC you don't go back". As amusing as the quip is, I also know several people that have bought PC's after obtaining MAC systems and are perfectly happy with them.
MAC is doing a lot to improve their system, including allowing others to publish MAC compatible software, thus allowing for a greater breadth of consumers (aka gamers), and dissolving the idea of buying a PC just for the games.
Furthermore, I really can't seem to find any problem with the assistance given on MAC computers by their technical staff, except that it might be expensive-but really, what technical help is not?

So why am I using a Vista system?

From the small dissertation above, the only real competition for me personally is OSX. And I would heartily recommend this system to people who want the best style/functionality combination, a space saving machine, or are into media design. Personally, I'm an engineer, and am not in the mood to pay another grand for a screen that is more clear. This is what it boils down to: price.
If Steve Jobs wanted to sell more Macintosh laptops, he would take a pay break- trust me, he wouldn't notice too much- and sell his laptops at a comparable price to PC's with the same specs. For example, I recently bought my current laptop (HP Pavillion dv6500) for approximately $1000. The cheapest Macbook on the market now (according to their website) sells for $100 more, has the same processor, 1GB less of RAM, and 80 GB less of hard drive space, and the same features otherwise. So why buy this Macbook? Why pay $100 more for a lesser computer, just for the name?

This short answer, to why I run Vista? It's cheaper for the exact same thing in a PC, that (to my personal experience) is just as reliable as a MAC system.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fool's!

So I just figured out my schedule for next semester- I'm happy with how it's turned out, even though I will have a sucky 8AM lab, but I've done those before! so hah! take that Chem. E.! (go Physics?)
I'm having a strange night with no homework, and absolutely no motivation to do anything. Lately my life has just seemed on track. This only means one thing- hell is about to break loose and unleash its fury on my life. Something big is about to happen.
Enormously great news yesterday from the research that I've been doing, however no one wants to celebrate with me. Sadness. Am I that big of a bitch?
no. seriously. am I?
I'm in a strange mood tonight- like forlorn mixed with content.
I also ruined a pair of jeans today. Fortunately they were my least favorite pair.
It was Matt's birthday on Saturday. I think he had fun-he got mad at me because I apparently 'spoiled' him, which I didn't. He kept finding the good in situations, and exclaiming that they were so because it was his birthday. This made me smile for pretty much the entire night.
I made an offer I will have to back out on. A few weeks ago, I told C that I would start a Flickr 365 project with her in June (for moral support). After thinking further about the subject, I realized that not only do I dislike being the subject of pictures, but also this blog is probably stretching my limits as far as comfort zones go, and that's only because I've been blogging for nearly 4 years now, and I like to convince myself that no one reads it anyway.
I have to wonder though, what happens at day 366(or 367 for the leap year)? Is it a feeling of accomplishment or emptiness? I suppose it would be different for everyone, but I would imagine after taking a photograph of yourself for an entire year, it may become second nature or a part of the daily routine. On the other hand, it is an enormous accomplishment to have kept with something for so long, imo.
Maybe I'll quiz people once they finish.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter blag

Happy Easter! Today I go back to the grind of school- exciting but not really.
I just received one of my recently deceased grandmother's favorite brooches- I'm not entirely sure what to think of this, I'll go with contemplative yet happy.
I'm happy for many reasons- I'm surrounded by family (even extended), I have (most of) my homework done, it's Easter, I'm happy for what Jesus did for all of us many era's ago, after getting lots of it taken in my bridesmaid's dress fits, my boyfriend loves me, and I just got 100 dollars.
I also got to see extended family this weekend, and spend Easter with a 6 year old. I think I forgot how exciting it was when I was that young. Dying Easter eggs was amazing- I'm glad I wasn't the only one who wanted to do it this year! I also participated in the first Easter egg hunt I've ever had- but I was on the hiding side of it. I don't think I missed out on much, though. I also got to stuff Easter baskets- a first. I thought it was fun, especially doing my cousin's because I knew how excited he would be when he found it.
It might be tough going back to the grind next week- but I'm really happy I had this time to relax.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Late Night Revelations

Out late again, seeing and talking to my two "older brothers". We have such great conversations, and it was a nice time to sit back and listen to what has been going on in their lives. We got on an hour long conversation about Dragonball Z, they gave me a couple teasers about what is going to happen beyond what I've seen (sorry Matt!), and we had a nice discussion about why Piccolo is the best character, which I might agree to disagree that the best character is, in fact, Vegeta.
And sometimes my own nerdiness surprises me that I care about these kinds of things. I guess it's better than getting hooked on some lame reality TV show- and I apologize to anyone reading who likes reality TV.
Gotta say though, not all that interesting. I mean, the dramatized ones with a prize at the end- I can understand watching those, like "Biggest Loser" or "America's Next Top Model" or (gasp!) dare I say, "American Idol", even. But ones like "The Hills" -please. Reality TV soap opera.
Again, if that's your thing I apologize. Each individual is more than entitled to their own tastes.
Things I would like to see more on television would maybe be televised, public, glamorized shows that actually help people. Maybe a reality TV charity thing- that maybe builds houses for those affected by the tsunami of '05. At least the characters will be doing something worthwhile while entertaining us fat Americans. Maybe make it a competition- the one with the best project at the end gets a free vacation somewhere and maybe some money. Call it "Project Humanity".
Let's glamorize volunteerism- make those Americans get off their butts for a change.
I suppose some would call me a hypocrite for that statement, though.
Really though, what HAVE I done lately? I'm a little ashamed to say very little. Outside of organizing a nonperishable food drive in my apartment building last fall and donating to the Alzheimer's Association, I really haven't helped anyone but myself in matters not related to school or personal business. This needs to change. I guess if anyone has ideas- please post!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

And yay for spring break! I've gotten an opportunity to re-learn LaTeX all over again, which has been interesting. Tonight I celebrated St. Patrick's day with some very good friends, and later ended out at the bar with another one of them. Green beer ftw!
It's about that time where I get super sleepy though, goodnight everyone!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


So my parents finally stepped out of the stone age and got the internets (again).

Am very excited. Especially because I don't have to drive about 10 minutes only to buy either a fruit and yogurt parfait or a hot apple blast so that I can check my email.

Spring break started yesterday at 2:15, I am looking forward to doing nothing this week!

I went out drinking with an old elementary school teacher today, and it was not as awkward as I thought it would be. Yay!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Happiness is....Procrastination!

In lieu of drawing or reading, like I should be, I decided to update on a happier note.
It's a little sad how depressing this blog has turned out to be. I'm making a mental note to post when I'm happy too.
Went to the sausage fest (annual sausage dinner in Sleepy Eye, MN) again this weekend, which was absolutely amazing. It's an annual Soukup family reunion thing, and this year his grandfather (apparently) asked that I be there. I guess they like me? (yess!)
I love feeling loved, which is maybe what I was missing before. Such things have seem to become rectified, and the darkness may be moving along as it should be.
I'm really looking forward to seeing an old friend on Friday. We're going to Ikea- for my first time ever! slightly excited.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

maybe a mental breakdown?

I've not been myself lately. I think its because my self-esteem has plunged to a new low in several areas of my life. But then again I've never been very confident.
It's just been another 'bleh' week, apparently.
I guess I need to shake some fears before I get on with my life, because they are currently consuming me. I need to shake the fears and the self-pity, because that's taking me absolutely nowhere.
Someone to talk to that is genuinely interested in what I have to say would be nice. I think I ask too much, I'm not all that interesting. I also complain way too much. Also, most guys get really freaked out if girls start sobbing on them. And I'm also really moody.
At least this time its not as bad or as plentifully wrong as the events of this past summer. So, "Buck up little soldier" and I think its time for bed.
I dunno, maybe pray for me so that I can get fixed what has now broken.

Monday, February 18, 2008

VD awareness

Yay for Valentine's day festivities. While most people went out, I spent the night studying- along with probably the rest of my Chem E class... No fear, Matt and I spent the next day "celebrating".
We had a good night- I mean, free New York strips can't be too terrible, right? And seriously, our dinner was $2.00 because I got lemonade instead of water, thanks to the gift certificates that I had acquired through my parents.
The rest of the night was spent playing the new Monopoly game that I got him (onyx edition! classy) and then crying all over him. I'm not going to go into details here.
He gave me a really sweet T-shirt, it has a train on the front and it says "I choo choo choose you". It's probably my new favorite shirt.
The next day was spent studying/grocery shopping and at an Awkward dance that one of my good friends planned. Afterwards, we all went over to Matt's apartment and watched one of his roommates play video games under the influence (it was his 21st birthday). Albeit hilarious, I felt that the night would have been more amusing watching him walk around, which was also entertaining when he did. I got a little more drunk than I intended, there is a weird phenomenon where I can't seem to tell how inebriated I am when I'm sitting, which I found last night. I also realize that I am somewhat of a cheap drunk-after 2 drinks I was wasted. I'll contribute that to my turtle-like metabolism (thanks for that one, parents). Strangely, again I woke up without hangover after having done nothing to prevent such an occurance.
As long as I was entertaining, I really don't care too much, I guess.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

First Full Week

Back at it again-school. Surprisingly, the workload seems much more reasonable than last semester. But because I just said (well, typed) that its going to get bad, fast. So far, here is a brief rundown of the classes that I have:

Numerical Methods- pretty much Matlab for the sake of doing Matlab. So far pretty easy, but considering that I'm terrible with computers, once we get through the mind-boggling easy stuff we're going through right now (think doing gaussian elimination on matrices by hand), it will get more difficult.

Reactor Design- It's been told to me that Professor McCormick has eye lasers, but is too nice to use them. I heartily agree, and also believe that he can send them over email. As for the actual class, once we're done reviewing a combination of reaction kinetics and thermodynamics, the class will be much more difficult- but it's not easy to begin with. ick.

Mass Transport- a.k.a. diffusion, transport 2. Pretty much transport phenomena. again. I really like Professor Dautidis, crazy Greek.

Analytical Chemistry- the lecture section of this class is very boring, but the professor makes it oddly interesting. I am not looking forward to lab starting in this class, however. I've heard horror stories of 20 page lab reports and all-nighters.

Drawing- If I didn't suck at drawing and was a little less impatient, then I would absolutely love this class. Right now, I look forward to doing the homework, and hate doing it about halfway through it. Great stress reliever, however, and I feel kinda special carrying my huge portfolio across campus every Tuesday evening.

Research- Has not started yet really, and that is totally my fault. I need to finish the book Hari gave me to read before I start, I've had it a week. In my defense, its a huge book and is really really boring. Like a textbook. The actual experimentation stuff sounds great, can't wait to start, but I can wait to finish the book.

Okay, so that's the rundown of the semester to be. I also hope to be more involved in SWE and AIChE, but we'll see how that turns out. Its so hard for me to go to those events knowing that I will not really know anyone else at them. Also- as for SWE meetings, I swear they take copies of my calendar so they can know the most inconvenient time to have a meeting for me and plan it then. the last meeting I was actually able to attend. This also equaled my meeting attendance for the entire Fall semester. I also need to go to church more often than I have been.

I really want to give Matt his Valentine's Day present. Mostly because then I will be able to enjoy it too.

I am also totally bummed NoDak beat us in hockey last night. I'm watching tonight via television- hopefully tonight's game will be different. Also attended a glorious bash at a friend's house last night, which was fun beyond description. I learned that talent in guitar hero = exp(-Blood Alcohol concentration). I am also freakishly without hangover despite my lack of water drinking last night.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Year through my eyes

I know its a little bit belated, but since everyone else was doing it, I thought that I would give a rundown of my whole year:

Matt visits Hibbing for New Years, and I return to MBH one week early to work full time. I manage to lose the topaz/diamond necklace that Matt gave me for our six-month anniversary, pretty much the most valuable (material) thing a boy has ever given me. Trip to San Francisco is planned. Spring semester of sophomore year begins. One year anniversary with Matt, during which we return to the place where we had our first date. Argyle notifies us that we are able to reserve a four-person, two-bedroom apartment for the 07-08 year, and I get very excited to move out of the dorms.

Classes start to pick up, midterms begin, economics bores me for the first time ever. Begin taking HPV injections, hockey plays MTU. Valentines day comes and goes, once again Matt and I both had night classes on that particular night. Small fight ensues with Argyle as to why we were not selected for a five-person apartment, however things end up working better to not have had it in the long run. Plans to go to San Francisco are finalized, and airplane ticket is purchased. Surprised Matt's brother and brought him to see Rey Mysterio. I learn to knit for breast cancer.

Spring break in San Francisco! Amazing experience. Minnesota hockey loses to UND in WCHA finals. I join a Relay for Life team and begin to wonder about how I am going to raise money. This issue is put on the back burner until April when I finally send some invitations to donate to parents and family. I only get $50 from my Mom. Matt turns 20 on the 29th. I find out that I have to pay in money to the government for taxes, which irritates me.

Relay for Life, IT ball. I begin to wonder where I will live over the summer, and settle on living in Argyle in a room that C found that was looking for three girls. Future roommates are great, exciting outlook for summer. Missy and I tour a frat house which scares us both away. Matt decides to live in Iowa for the summer, which saddens/scares/worries me. Register for next fall, and am nervous about classes which sound very difficult.

Am finally over scared/worried/sad feelings for Matt and am finally able to feel happy for him. Semester ends, am happy I will not have organic chemistry lecture or math lecture again unless I go on my own accord. Move into apartment for the first time, realize how broke I am. Begin working 50-60 hour weeks. Help move Matt to West Des Moines, IA. Trav and Erica get engaged. Get hit on at Jiffy Lube and man offers to fix my AC for $50.

Drive to either Hibbing or Iowa pretty much every weekend. Dad's birthday, I am finally able to make him his cake. Erica asks me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. Friend runs Grandma's marathon in Duluth, I drive up with some friends and cheer her on. Dan stays long enough to see Hibbing. I wish my car had air conditioning and research how much it will take to fix. I realize that I should have taken the man at Jiffy Lube's offer. Finally become financially independent of credit card. See Des Moines Pride parade with Matt. Help plan/act surprise birthday party for Dan. Make ice cream with C. Realize that my car is slowly dying by driving it too often, start to wish Matt had a car. Grandma Young dies. Other things happen. I stop talking about my very personal problems. Not a good month.

Fourth of July picnic at lake. Begin knitting mittens for self. Problems worsen and increase in number. Break down, tell Matt everything. He gets worried. Nearly tell another, but am saved. Start seeing lots of movies with friends. Joe comes home from the Navy for a while, I get to see him. Go to Chisholm street dance. Spent more time in Minneapolis on weekends. Pierce cartilage in left ear, Tyler calls me emo. Parking for Fall becomes an issue and is solved. Start becoming a bad influence on friends by giving two their first alcoholic beverages. I disclose to Rod that I will be actively seeking a new job for next summer.

Issues start to become resolved. Take family vacation with Matt. Have picnic on Des Moines river. See Mackinac Island, Mackinac city, and Mackinac Bridge. Spend fantastic weekend on beach/campground. Matt and I have a deep conversation about things on the swingset in the playground of the campground. Matt is able to spend one night in my summer apartment. Start buying books for classes. 35W bridge collapses, ironically close to my apartment. Was fortunate to have left Minneapolis long before the collapse. C runs half-marathon on sore ankle. Learn that Tim was hit while on his motorcycle by a drunk driver, also learn that he is recuperating. Go to Reel Big Fish/Less than Jake/Streetlight Manifesto concert. Become less and less of a Reel Big Fish fan. Move into new apartment that night. Move Matt back to New Ulm from Des Moines, look forward to seeing him in Minneapolis. WRC/Tundra company picnic. My car battery dies, and the CEO of my company pays for/replaces it- I begin to feel terrible that I will not be with them next year. Laurie turns 21. Help move Adem into new apartment.

Classes begin again, C turns 20. I finish first mitten, begin second. Dinner out with Kristen and her mom. Missy runs TC marathon. I ride tandem bike with Kristen. Classes become very difficult, fast. Get new cell phone. Go to frat party with slip-n-slide. LAN party at Adem/Pat/Jordan/Mike's Becky's car gets towed. Go to New Ulm for Michael's birthday. Order bridesmaid's dress. Interviews begin. Start working regularly with Joe/Scott/Kyle.

School, school, school. Begin sleeping as a hobby, become accustomed to 5 hr/night. Obtain research position with Dr. Macosko. Most personal issues resolved. Midterms start. Am offered two jobs, choose job at Ecolab. More interviews (prior to job-choosing). Get hockey tickets again as birthday present. Mom's birthday. Halloween party at Brian/Owen/Boof's.

I turn 21, celebrate briefly. More midterms, tests, projects. Finish second mitten over Thanksgiving just in time for me to use it. Thanksgiving with family. I buy a Christmas tree for the apartment.

Finals. I begin to wonder if I am lactose intolerant. Manage to survive end of semester, am truly happy for first time since May. C and I plan a secret santa gift exchange among our friends. Buy presents for friends, see holidazzle parade. Go home for Christmas, enjoy quiet Christmas at home with family. Play Guitar Hero III, Rockband, and Starcraft. Go to New Ulm for New Year's.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Break has gone by so quickly.
It was a total blast though, I got to see some old friends, and even made a few new ones- that I'll probably never see again, which is sad.
I did get to play starcraft for the first time! I felt so bad that I was so bad- I could tell that the guys were getting frustrated with me that I can't play, but I appreciated them not leaving me out to dry- especially when my camp spawned directly next to enemy camps for at least two games. One was so bad I had to move my entire camp.
I got Guitar Hero III for Christmas, and have nearly beaten it on the hard difficulty. Apparently this version is a lot harder than the past two- and I'm really noticing. I also played some Rock Band when I was home- I've managed to weasel my way out of singing so far, and I totally suck at drums. which you would think would be a little different considering I've had practice on those in real life. Well, some practice anyway.
I got to go to New Ulm over New Year's. Totally worth the five hour drive. I had a lot of fun, even though Matt thinks he totally bored the crap out of me- he didn't. not even close.
The semester eventually ended up great. I managed to finish everything that I needed to, and not too much pain was involved. I really need to stop complaining about things that suck- like school. The less I dwell on it, maybe the less it will suck?
My last day of work is tomorrow. At Tundra, anyway. Everyone keeps telling me there how much I'm going to hate working at Ecolab. They keep saying that I'm just going to be at a computer all day, etc- which is totally different from what I do now (well except for this past week, anyway... drr broken furnace..drr). I think its good that I'm finding out what its like to work in the corporate world now, before I devote my life to it. So if it sucks, it only sucks for like 12 weeks. Then no more Ecolab. If it doesn't suck, then yay I get a whole summer there. I'm thinking its not going to suck.
I'm really going to miss the guys there. It has been a total blast, and even though I didn't like it when they made me do monotonous monkey tasks- they were actually pretty well balanced with ones that were semi-important. I have a lot of memories, ones I know that I will either never get to empathize with anyone to or ones that no one else finds interesting/cares about. They make me happy, anyway.
School starts in 5 days! and one class is canceled already- w00t!