Saturday, August 16, 2008

3 month crash

It's been a while since I've been able to update, mostly because I've been so busy.
Everything I did was going really well for a while, which usually is more work than things going poorly, so believe me- I'm not complaining that I was busy. Busy is good. Keeps my mind off of some things and on more productive trains of thought. Also it means that things are going well.
And somehow over the course of all of this, I'm over him. Completely. He could bring home a supermodel and sex her up in front of me, and ironically I would wish him the best of luck, and no STD's. I feel like we can finally be friends again. Whether or not we will is entirely up to him, and I really wouldn't blame him for not wanting to be. Especially lately.
I finished with my internship yesterday. I was so steadfast on going to graduate school in May. Now I'm not sure that I'll even go at all. It's so remarkable how fast one can change their mind, and how that can affect their entire future. I took the GRE's- just in case, and I think I might get a master's degree while working. As long as I can do R&D (and be flexible whether or not I'd stay), I'll be happy. Ecolab was an eye opening experience into life in the corporate world, and life in R&D. I was told last January that I would hate it there. I didn't. I really didn't think I would either, but I knew it would be different. Each experience had their ups and downs, and I really don't think it's easy to compare the two internships- they were so different in every aspect. I know I had career altering experiences at both companies, and am very grateful for them.
Unfortunately, it would seem that now I need to update my resume and start searching for a job. Actually, I might be a little behind on that now, but fortunately my resume is pretty easy to update. Also, I was happy to hear that the career fair at the U is not until the third week of school, unlike the past few years where it has occurred the second week of school- meaning that I have a week to catch up.
It's a little frightening knowing that in less than a year, I have absolutely no idea where I'll be. I'm open to moving anywhere, I'm not tied down in any way, and would actually prefer to live in another part of the country (or world) for a while. I think I would prefer to stay in the continental 48, however.
In unrelated news, I'll be a TA for a freshman seminar this fall! I'm really excited, and actually will get the chance to lead a class!
Now I have two weeks before class starts, and I get to get ready for this class, go home for a while, and plan a SWE event. Like I said before, busy is good.

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