Monday, December 08, 2008

Splendid Evening

Wicked. was. amazing.
I went out on a 'girl date' with my roommate. We'd been planning on seeing the Broadway production of "Wicked" since this summer, and we got tickets for tonight a few months ago. I've read the book, and was constantly bowled with "how awesome" it is, so needless to say I was really excited to go. It was all that it was talked up to be, and then some.
I absolutely love how it deviated from the book (which was good, but only mediocre in comparison to the musical), especially the way the end was changed for the musical. I definitely like the production's version better, but I've always been a sucker for happy endings.
Prior to the show, we went to McCormick and Schmick's- which was also incredible. Definitely good for the price (about $40/plate + wine). The dessert looked better than tasted, or maybe I was just too full (your waiter brings a tray of all the desserts so you see what they look like- definitely a marketing scheme because they all look fabulously tasty).
Honestly, the only downfall to the night is the fact that it was so cold outside that we ran (hopped) from place to place to stay warm- which gets dangerous in slippery conditions.
le sigh, I hope that I make a point to see more shows while living here. And I hope to one day see one on Broadway.

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