Sunday, May 11, 2008

Today was a Good Day.



ok, now back to your regularily scheduled programming.

Today was interesting. I freaked out about doing something that I wanted to but probably shouldn't have. I called Krysti who says its okay. Therefore: I feel much better.

Got to see an old friend from the floor last year, and spent a lot of time in my old dorm today. It was nice to see old friends. Later went out to a "sing-a-long" and saw more old friends. And some new ones too. All in all, a great night.

Not looking forward to finals week. Which starts like now. I'm glad I learned it the first time around, but it sucks to review, especially when there are more fun things I can be doing.

I wore shorts today. Completely out of my comfort zone- I don't like my legs. I also played Frisbee in the rain in them, which was a very cold experience. I warmed up pretty quickly though, I have thick skin.

I can't believe it's 1 AM already, time flew by way too fast today. It was nice to catch a break before the craziness of next week begins, and as usual, I'll keep ya updated!

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