Tuesday, May 13, 2008

oh bother

First final done! two to go, a final (art) presentation tonight, and a final paper to submit. Except for the two tests, everything is extremely close to being finished.
I really am not sure about this presentation tonight. What I drew is a little bit personal to me, if only for what it represents. The content of the drawing is pretty impersonal- just a broken picture frame.

EDIT: It actually turned out really well, people seemed to like it

But think about what kinds of things a broken picture frame represents? Broken love life, death of a loved one, some type of natural disaster...
I wanted to convey grief, and I feel like I managed to do that. I just don't want to share my grief with everyone else, yet I don't know how to otherwise display my drawing. I do want to pass the class, however, so I'm just going to have to suck it up and hope no one notices that this is more than just a drawing for me.
I guess this must be an artistic fear, this displaying of personal property. I don't like it, this is why I'm in engineering. Art is judged so subjectively, whether it is well-liked, hated, or indifferent depends on the person viewing it. This is a little like why I don't like people seeing my grades on exams, reading what I write- be it a short story or an opinionated essay, or seeing my personal property, or my small drawings in that notebook everyone has that no one else knows about. I guess you could say that I hate being judged, and it's something that I'm going to have to get over if I ever want to survive in the real world.
Buck up, little soldier.

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