Sunday, June 01, 2008

Pet Peeve or Just Plain Stupid?

So, I've seen this several times:
Cop (usually a UMPD) beaches his car either on a lawn somewhere, a handicap spot, or in a no parking zone. Because, really. Who is going to give a cop a parking ticket. Another cop? I didn't think so.
So anyway, after haphazardly strewing their nasty vehicle in the most random spot, they get out, and leave it running. RUNNING. That's totally great for the environment, guys. Thanks. Additionally, I'm pretty sure they get compensated for gas- that they're wasting. Who compensates them? Who pays for cops? In the long run, we do. So when I see this, I get mad. As JG Wentworth would say, "It's my money and I need it NOW". Not some prissy cop who, for some dumbass reason decided to beach his/her car randomly and leave it running.
The worst part is, on more than one occasion I've witnessed this (because I was in the restaurant at the time watching out the window) the reason the cop stopped in the first place, is so that he/she can EAT LUNCH. And it's not a ohcrapIleftmycarrunningIneedtogetoutofthisplacefast kind of lunch... it's a let's sit down, have some coffee and pizza/cheeseburger/whatever, chat about life leisurely, while my fucking car pollutes the atmosphere and I charge taxpayers for my wasted already overpriced fuel kind of lunch.

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