Thursday, January 17, 2008


Break has gone by so quickly.
It was a total blast though, I got to see some old friends, and even made a few new ones- that I'll probably never see again, which is sad.
I did get to play starcraft for the first time! I felt so bad that I was so bad- I could tell that the guys were getting frustrated with me that I can't play, but I appreciated them not leaving me out to dry- especially when my camp spawned directly next to enemy camps for at least two games. One was so bad I had to move my entire camp.
I got Guitar Hero III for Christmas, and have nearly beaten it on the hard difficulty. Apparently this version is a lot harder than the past two- and I'm really noticing. I also played some Rock Band when I was home- I've managed to weasel my way out of singing so far, and I totally suck at drums. which you would think would be a little different considering I've had practice on those in real life. Well, some practice anyway.
I got to go to New Ulm over New Year's. Totally worth the five hour drive. I had a lot of fun, even though Matt thinks he totally bored the crap out of me- he didn't. not even close.
The semester eventually ended up great. I managed to finish everything that I needed to, and not too much pain was involved. I really need to stop complaining about things that suck- like school. The less I dwell on it, maybe the less it will suck?
My last day of work is tomorrow. At Tundra, anyway. Everyone keeps telling me there how much I'm going to hate working at Ecolab. They keep saying that I'm just going to be at a computer all day, etc- which is totally different from what I do now (well except for this past week, anyway... drr broken furnace..drr). I think its good that I'm finding out what its like to work in the corporate world now, before I devote my life to it. So if it sucks, it only sucks for like 12 weeks. Then no more Ecolab. If it doesn't suck, then yay I get a whole summer there. I'm thinking its not going to suck.
I'm really going to miss the guys there. It has been a total blast, and even though I didn't like it when they made me do monotonous monkey tasks- they were actually pretty well balanced with ones that were semi-important. I have a lot of memories, ones I know that I will either never get to empathize with anyone to or ones that no one else finds interesting/cares about. They make me happy, anyway.
School starts in 5 days! and one class is canceled already- w00t!

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