Monday, January 21, 2008

Year through my eyes

I know its a little bit belated, but since everyone else was doing it, I thought that I would give a rundown of my whole year:

Matt visits Hibbing for New Years, and I return to MBH one week early to work full time. I manage to lose the topaz/diamond necklace that Matt gave me for our six-month anniversary, pretty much the most valuable (material) thing a boy has ever given me. Trip to San Francisco is planned. Spring semester of sophomore year begins. One year anniversary with Matt, during which we return to the place where we had our first date. Argyle notifies us that we are able to reserve a four-person, two-bedroom apartment for the 07-08 year, and I get very excited to move out of the dorms.

Classes start to pick up, midterms begin, economics bores me for the first time ever. Begin taking HPV injections, hockey plays MTU. Valentines day comes and goes, once again Matt and I both had night classes on that particular night. Small fight ensues with Argyle as to why we were not selected for a five-person apartment, however things end up working better to not have had it in the long run. Plans to go to San Francisco are finalized, and airplane ticket is purchased. Surprised Matt's brother and brought him to see Rey Mysterio. I learn to knit for breast cancer.

Spring break in San Francisco! Amazing experience. Minnesota hockey loses to UND in WCHA finals. I join a Relay for Life team and begin to wonder about how I am going to raise money. This issue is put on the back burner until April when I finally send some invitations to donate to parents and family. I only get $50 from my Mom. Matt turns 20 on the 29th. I find out that I have to pay in money to the government for taxes, which irritates me.

Relay for Life, IT ball. I begin to wonder where I will live over the summer, and settle on living in Argyle in a room that C found that was looking for three girls. Future roommates are great, exciting outlook for summer. Missy and I tour a frat house which scares us both away. Matt decides to live in Iowa for the summer, which saddens/scares/worries me. Register for next fall, and am nervous about classes which sound very difficult.

Am finally over scared/worried/sad feelings for Matt and am finally able to feel happy for him. Semester ends, am happy I will not have organic chemistry lecture or math lecture again unless I go on my own accord. Move into apartment for the first time, realize how broke I am. Begin working 50-60 hour weeks. Help move Matt to West Des Moines, IA. Trav and Erica get engaged. Get hit on at Jiffy Lube and man offers to fix my AC for $50.

Drive to either Hibbing or Iowa pretty much every weekend. Dad's birthday, I am finally able to make him his cake. Erica asks me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. Friend runs Grandma's marathon in Duluth, I drive up with some friends and cheer her on. Dan stays long enough to see Hibbing. I wish my car had air conditioning and research how much it will take to fix. I realize that I should have taken the man at Jiffy Lube's offer. Finally become financially independent of credit card. See Des Moines Pride parade with Matt. Help plan/act surprise birthday party for Dan. Make ice cream with C. Realize that my car is slowly dying by driving it too often, start to wish Matt had a car. Grandma Young dies. Other things happen. I stop talking about my very personal problems. Not a good month.

Fourth of July picnic at lake. Begin knitting mittens for self. Problems worsen and increase in number. Break down, tell Matt everything. He gets worried. Nearly tell another, but am saved. Start seeing lots of movies with friends. Joe comes home from the Navy for a while, I get to see him. Go to Chisholm street dance. Spent more time in Minneapolis on weekends. Pierce cartilage in left ear, Tyler calls me emo. Parking for Fall becomes an issue and is solved. Start becoming a bad influence on friends by giving two their first alcoholic beverages. I disclose to Rod that I will be actively seeking a new job for next summer.

Issues start to become resolved. Take family vacation with Matt. Have picnic on Des Moines river. See Mackinac Island, Mackinac city, and Mackinac Bridge. Spend fantastic weekend on beach/campground. Matt and I have a deep conversation about things on the swingset in the playground of the campground. Matt is able to spend one night in my summer apartment. Start buying books for classes. 35W bridge collapses, ironically close to my apartment. Was fortunate to have left Minneapolis long before the collapse. C runs half-marathon on sore ankle. Learn that Tim was hit while on his motorcycle by a drunk driver, also learn that he is recuperating. Go to Reel Big Fish/Less than Jake/Streetlight Manifesto concert. Become less and less of a Reel Big Fish fan. Move into new apartment that night. Move Matt back to New Ulm from Des Moines, look forward to seeing him in Minneapolis. WRC/Tundra company picnic. My car battery dies, and the CEO of my company pays for/replaces it- I begin to feel terrible that I will not be with them next year. Laurie turns 21. Help move Adem into new apartment.

Classes begin again, C turns 20. I finish first mitten, begin second. Dinner out with Kristen and her mom. Missy runs TC marathon. I ride tandem bike with Kristen. Classes become very difficult, fast. Get new cell phone. Go to frat party with slip-n-slide. LAN party at Adem/Pat/Jordan/Mike's Becky's car gets towed. Go to New Ulm for Michael's birthday. Order bridesmaid's dress. Interviews begin. Start working regularly with Joe/Scott/Kyle.

School, school, school. Begin sleeping as a hobby, become accustomed to 5 hr/night. Obtain research position with Dr. Macosko. Most personal issues resolved. Midterms start. Am offered two jobs, choose job at Ecolab. More interviews (prior to job-choosing). Get hockey tickets again as birthday present. Mom's birthday. Halloween party at Brian/Owen/Boof's.

I turn 21, celebrate briefly. More midterms, tests, projects. Finish second mitten over Thanksgiving just in time for me to use it. Thanksgiving with family. I buy a Christmas tree for the apartment.

Finals. I begin to wonder if I am lactose intolerant. Manage to survive end of semester, am truly happy for first time since May. C and I plan a secret santa gift exchange among our friends. Buy presents for friends, see holidazzle parade. Go home for Christmas, enjoy quiet Christmas at home with family. Play Guitar Hero III, Rockband, and Starcraft. Go to New Ulm for New Year's.

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