Tuesday, February 26, 2008

maybe a mental breakdown?

I've not been myself lately. I think its because my self-esteem has plunged to a new low in several areas of my life. But then again I've never been very confident.
It's just been another 'bleh' week, apparently.
I guess I need to shake some fears before I get on with my life, because they are currently consuming me. I need to shake the fears and the self-pity, because that's taking me absolutely nowhere.
Someone to talk to that is genuinely interested in what I have to say would be nice. I think I ask too much, I'm not all that interesting. I also complain way too much. Also, most guys get really freaked out if girls start sobbing on them. And I'm also really moody.
At least this time its not as bad or as plentifully wrong as the events of this past summer. So, "Buck up little soldier" and I think its time for bed.
I dunno, maybe pray for me so that I can get fixed what has now broken.

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