Saturday, October 23, 2010

European Vacation: Day 9

Due to being in an airport, I did not sleep much last night. Slowly, my sinuses drained and I was able to hear again. I'm still periodically shooting up with the nose stuff. Being sick on vacation in a foreign country sucks. On the bright side, I have a multi-national medicine cabinet now.

I can't wait to be home. Getting on our Air India flight was ridiculous. There were too many people crowding and pushing, and we got our passports checked at least three times, ent though security twice (first one was at a different concourse though, where Krysti and I stopped for breakfast), got to the final check where they looked at my boarding pass (for the third time at this point, I kid you not) and passport and decided that I did not have the correct type of boarding pass (something to do with their computer system, I most definitely had a ticket but needed a boarding pass that said "Air India" instead of "Lufthansa" who had printed it off for me in Rome). Therefore, I was pushed into a semi-line of about ten people who needed personal assistance. Just as the two in front of me were about to go, they, I, and a bunch of people behind us were put into another line - specific to people who need boarding passes, with no attendant servicing it, in reverse order so I was now second from the back of the line and needed to wait in the crowd all over again. Not really somewhere a claustrophobic sick tired crabby dirty smelly girl wants to be for long periods of time. After waiting (and protesting!) for 30 minutes (again, I do not exaggerate) someone finally waited on us, printed off new boarding passes so we could go to the place where we needed to wait in yet another line to finally board the plane. I honestly cannot tell you how many lines I've stood in today and it's not even 10 AM. Definitely will never buy Air India again. On top of this all, Krysti and I are not even able to sit together. Fortunately, the in-flight service is ok. There is a ridiculous amount of children, but so far they've been very well behaved (no repeats of the flight from Barcelona to Rome, thank goodness).

Right now, I'm about ready to dig into the nearest cheeseburger and drive my medium-sized car and lay in my own bed.

I'm very happy that I was able to go on this vacation, and I couldn't have picked a better travel buddy to go with. I think that we saw just the right amount of things and we hit all the hot spots. I honestly cannot pick a favorite moment from the trip, and I could only hope that had I not gotten sick that it would have ended on a more positive note.

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