Saturday, October 23, 2010

European Vacation: Day 3

We started off the day with a trip to a local cafe down the street. It was amazing, and possibly the best croissant that I've ever had. We then traveled to La Boqueria market, although along the way we did some shopping. Everything is so cheap here, at least to what I'm used to! 1.50 Euro for wine?! heck yes.

"La Boqueria" - an open air market selling all types of fruits, meats and vegetables - including fish with heads still attached!

We meandered the streets of La Rambla, pushing past tourists and street performers. There were performers anywhere from costumed flamenco dancers, magic tricks, dragons (men in costumes), and men making noises with these noisemakers that make you sound like a squirrel on crack. Also, we could have purchased our very own chipmunk in a cage. Somehow, I don't think that airport security would appreciate me bringing a live chipmunk into the US.

A view down the picturesque winding streets of Barcelona

"La Rambla" performer - it is apparently not offensive to depict Native Americans in this way in other countries

We later moved toward La Eixample, a more trendy portion of the city (see: Uptown, Minneapolis) and continued our shopping. One of the major attractions (besides the McDonald's...eew) was the Gaudi Casa Mila, a house with an exterior consisting of no right angles whatsoever unless added since the original construction. Inside, we got to tour the rooftop Grotto and see amazing views of the city, an an apartment on the top floor that had been furnished for the period in which the building had been built. It reminded me of the Titanic - same time period.

Street view of "Casa Mila" - to me it looked like a coral reef

Me, on the rooftop of Casa Mila

The dining room of "the penthouse"

We eventually got back to our hostel and changed into evening "going-out" clothes, and headed out for tapas at a local restaurant at 9PM. Fortunately, they were still serving and the tapas were amazing! The idea is order one or two to yourself or order more to share. Krysti and I also went through a bottle of wine each, so we were feeling pretty good.

Krysti and me: looking good and ready to party!

We then headed back to the beach, along which were many "discos" (clubs) where we danced until 3AM with many attractive Spaniards. Although propositioned a few times, Krysti and I headed back alone leaving the party still going strong. We had a nice chat with our cab driver and attempted to return to "Pizza Hot", the pizza place we spent long evening at the night before, only to find it had closed for the evening (makes sense - it is after 3AM). Tomorrow we hope to see Park Guell, the Picasso Museum and La Sagrada Familia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan and I went to a tapas restaurant in Cambridge a few weeks ago. It was the best food I've had in England so far.... yeah, England isn't really known for having it's own great dishes, so a Spanish dish served in England is winning that contest.