Thursday, October 21, 2010

European Vacation: Day 2

(still on the plane)
Well, I managed to sleep (kind of) on the plane. It feels a little weird to be waking up at what I still think is midnight, but the excitement of landing is pushing me through it.

We're here!!

(evening, in Barcelona)
We managed to get to our hostel without too much trouble, in fact our hostel is very comfortable and has, in addition to a private room for the two of us, a rooftop terrace with chairs and tables and a common room in which we met a few of the other travelers from Australia, Sweden, USA (New York), and Ireland.
Our "cozy" hostel room

Today we meandered around Montjuic, and around noon we walked into a very local restaurant. There was a helpful chef that knew broken English that helped us out, showing us what to order and which bus to take to our next destination. We rode the cable car across from the Castilla down to the bottom of the hill all the while appreciating the sky view of Barcelona, most notably "La Sagrada Familia" stretching up into the sky.

The Fort Montjuic

A panorama of the Barcelona skyline

My first time on the Mediterranean!

The day was topped off with my (and Krysti's) very first swimming adventure in salt water, and a three hour stint at an Indian pizza place where we watched Bollywood music videos and chatted up the staff while it rained outside (which is apparently rare, but occurred 2/3 nights there). It ended up being so much better than we could have imagined at the restaurant (that had been closed) to which we had planned to go. I had my fill of wine and Krysti her fill of what she (to this day) claims is the best coffee she has ever had. After three hours there, we finally said goodbye to our new friends and entered a Gelato place which was also incredibly tasty. Later, we stopped in the common room and met our co-travelers, as mentioned previously.

Tasty gelato!

It's now been about 32 hours since I last slept, so as you can imagine, I'm exhausted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amanda and I wandered into some free random upbeat Indian concert in Florence one night... it didn't take us long to realize that we VERY much in the minority (both in race AND in gender). All the Indian men were staring. The crowd was getting so enthusiastic about the music-- there must have been some interaction with the band since groups of people would all of a sudden run up the the front of the crowd after they heard a lyric. We didn't stay long because we couldn't understand anything they were saying/singing and we were scared that we were going to get called up to participate in something without knowing why!