Wednesday, November 30, 2005

turkeys, rantings, ravings

I made this turkey in paint. Isn't it special? Because everyone else always has to talk about the holidays in their blogs, I figured that I should too. So this is "Happy Belated Thanksgiving!" to the whole world of about three and a half people that actually read this. yes. you are one of them.
I've decided that the paint program on the computer is actually a very interesting one. For one thing, you can make just about anything if you are creative enough. There are no high-tech programs and evil ass-monkey programming and scripts to be played with. No offense to you people out there who like programming, I guess its just not for me. In fact, I have a friend that likes to program. He makes 3D animation. Anywho, he's pretty good at it and if everyone who programs things is like him, I feel very justified in leaving such things up to them. Back to topic, I recently realized the wonders of 'Paint' and I am trying to figure out why nobody uses this blessed program anymore. What happened to the days of old when children used to sit at the 'family computer' for hours muddling over color choices and the line tool?
Oh yeah, I've been reading philosophy, therefore I might ask some pretty dumb questions. Just keep reading, don't pay any attention to my mind muddling.
Thanksgiving weekend was well welcomed and much needed for me and the rest of the IT Honors group, I'm positive. I just wish it was longer. For me, the weekend was supposed to be one of rest and relaxation, however this was not the case. My parents picked me up Wednesday after class. This was just after I realized that the organic chemistry class that I've been wanting to take had filled up and I was no longer able to take the class, considering that I wouldn't register until Monday. This leaves me pissed. The reason why I was unable to take the class is because a bunch of cake-eating asswipes from large schools took a bunch of AP classes and got a bunch of college credit for it. Therefore, Their college credit for phony high-school classes leaves me stranded at seven REAL college credits (thanks, PSEO) and still registering at/near the bottom of the pile. I hate getting screwed over.
After venting to my family over this new development and the fact that I now have to take biology (yippee.... *cough*), we cram into a packed over-heated car and drive for about 10 hours to Michigan through a blizzard. We get there at two o'clock in the morning and wonder why everyone is so crabby...
After much-needed rest dating back from the past three months while I've been at school, I am rudely woken up to laughter and loud voices. I looked at the clock- NOOOOOO. yes. it was 7 am. Groggily rolling out of bed, I hear the voices go down the stairs and I attempted to calculate the amount of time I slept. Unfortunately unable to accomplish this, I shrugged and got on with the day. Thanksgiving dinner was awsome. Occured at noon, but awesome nonetheless. It really made me realize how much I miss my mom and my grandma's cooking- UDS here leaves much to be desired according to my palate. After finishing a luxurious turkey dinner, I high-tailed it off to the room where my parents were staying and proceeded to study chemistry for the next 5 hours. So much for break, huh.
The rest of the weekend continued as such, except on Saturday when I finally finished my chemistry and started on the class from hell: History of Science. Also, another Aunt arrived at the cabin at which I was staying. Unfortunately, when my mom gets together with her two sisters they become evil. Fortunately for me, I had more homework to get to, therefore I left Fred and both of my Aunts' children (all 8 of them) to be hassled by the women to be comforted by the sad buzz of my laptop and the pounding in my brain. In retrospect, I believe Fred managed to leave as well.
Finally, Sunday morning I was, again, rudely awakened at 6 am (this time by my alarm) to drive another 10 hours back to the glory that I call college. Only to be confronted by "Happy Thanksgiving!" and "wow! I slept so much!"
I love my family dearly, and my extended family as well. But understand, this was just too much. I lead a life of solitude. I can understand this, and I am comfortable with it. I do not like large groups of people, and am uncomfortable when made the center of attention. Therefore, to people unlike myself, this weekend would have been a blast. Unfortunately, aside from seeing my family, my weekend wasn't so great.
There is one fact that I can comfort myself with:
I know I will be spending Christmas at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping you're not too miserable at home! I really don't enjoy that sinking feeling you get when you're away from everyone you've been seeing every day...but hey, it's just a month. Merry Christmas! Have a wonderful break.