Tuesday, November 01, 2005

thoughts i think during calculus...

Instead of listening to the TA during math discussion today, I decided to write down the thoughts as they occured in my brain (I do this often but today people noticed.. I had a lot on my mind). Because it made a few people giggle and point, I thought it could be amusing for the general public. Here are my personal favorites:
*Preserve your inner child so that you live your entire life like a mid-life crisis
*concerning bottles:
-the half empty and half full bottle both spill if they're tipped over
-an overflowing glass and a spilled one still get the table wet
*even the best looking packages can blow up in your face
*If there were such thing as a soulmate, marriage would be boring
*If there is one man for every woman in the world, mine must have died in a tragic accident.
*Why do we all have so much time in life, yet we are all forced to make our decisions so early?
*If God wanted me to plan my life, he would have told me what to expect later
*Can the entire world have a "good day"?
*What if somebody suddenly came by and filled the deepest, darkest hole in your life with radioactive waste?
*Remember to forget to ask, "why me?" because in the grand scheme of things it doesnt matter why it was you, just that it was you.

there were a few more less interesting ones than these (yeah its possible) and they're here simply for your humour if you happen to find any.

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