Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Week One

The first week at the University of Minnesota has gone by so fast!
Unfortunately it hasn't been all fun and giggles. I guess taking 18 credits has finally caught up with me. Luckily there is only one class that seems extremely work intensive for me.
When I'm not doing homework (too rarely) I am making friends around campus here, mostly hanging out with the people I've met on this floor and my roomate.
Speaking of Laurie, I've decided that I am very lucky to be her roomate, that I didnt get someone else. She and I click so well! We both like to do our homework and talk to guys better than girls.
It is so great here!
I've also met some guys (of course, duh, I'm in IT) my closest friends thus far include Mike and Matt (roomates) and David and Adam (roomates). They're pretty smart and it almost seems like when they and Laurie and I get together and study I almost don't belong there. icka. At least they're fun. It's so different here because in Hibbing all of the people I was/am friends with were 'gaming' nerds and here they're 'computer' nerds... which I guess doesn't sound all that different to someone who hasnt experienced both types of nerds.
Jon and I are on a break right now. I guess that's the main reason I haven't updated recently, even with the sweet connection time I get for living here. We tried it for about a week and after (STILL) hadn't called or emailed me I took another look at our relationship. For one thing, I deserve to be treated better by someone who claims to care for me. I'm not questioning the fact that he cares for me, just why he treated me like that. Also, I realized that with my hectic schedule here, I barely have enough time to set aside to talk to my own parents regularily via phone and a relationship via email would NOT sit well with me. Finally, probably the biggest factor, is that in reality we really don't have the capacity for a long distance relationship right now. I wouldnt get to see him nearly enough as I would like and I would hope he would like to see me more too. It also seemed as if he didn't even try to keep this going. Little things: like forgetting to fix his phone for almost an entire month with me nagging him for about three weeks straight. I don't like being a nag, its not me.
That was another thing with Jon, whenever you wanted him to do something you had to nag him into it. who wants to be a nag? and why couldnt he ever remember anything?
I guess there really are multiple types of intelligences, maybe I finally found one Jon was lacking in.
But I do miss him, I can only hope I've done the right thing. He wanted another chance to make things right, and I didnt give it to him. Well, I gave him one, but he screwed that one up. My main reason for this was because we dont have time for this. And I don't need to spend every second of my free time hanging around the phone to see if he will call (if ever). I have better things to do, and some more important. like laundry.
To summarize, I am having a blast when i dont think about my crazy love life. When i think about that i become the raving lunatic that left Hibbing. I'd prefer to forget that month...
My only advice, I guess, for anyone who reads this, is break up with your high school sweetheart before you go away to different colleges. At least at home you know people to help you get through this. I'm not sure what I would have done without the few close friends I've made here and my parents. To those of you, thank you.
Keep the Faith!

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