Monday, September 05, 2005

Omega Alpha

I have moved to the University of Minnesota. Its official. And it scares the crap out of me like I had no idea.
As previously posted, Im not sure what living on ones own will be like, what i'm going to be expected to do that i cant, what i'm supposed to do.
But i guess I'm going to find out soon, huh?
But this is also the beginning of a brand new experience that I am excited beyond reason to start. I am SO ready for this.
Move in day was... interesting. I guess we started out on a bad start- my crap wouldn't fit in the back of the pick up. Then we had to fit everyone elses stuff in there.
The actual moving in process was tedious at best, but we got through it, the lines werent too bad. i've encountered worse, and i was relatively patient. Unfortunately, that was before i got to my room.
I guess first impressions leave a mark on one. try this one on for size: I walk into a room half-filled with bags and garbage and a girl and her mother talking. I introduced myself, and directly after Laurie (my roomate) and her mom introduced themselves, they notified me that I cant bunk my bed b/c she needs under the bed space for her stuff. and she has a lot, i thought i had a lot, but NO... but then again, she's from New Jersey, its not like shes going to go home for stuff, she needs it all here. now.
So, imagine, you move into your new home for the next nine months of your life and your roomate's mom is deciding where everything should be placed... and I thought I would have that problem with my mom. guess not... someone elses-that's even worse.
Suddenly in a grumpy mood, regardless of the fact that I got two hours of sleep the previous night, I informed my parents that my roomates parents were... "overzealous".
fortunately, Laurie's father is nice. very nice. when she left shortly after i arrived, I set up my stuff in the room. My parents (fortunately) left to feed Fred (my brother) while I set up my room. When Laurie and her parents returned, i was making friends- thought maybe i should try again with Laurie. She stood in the room with another cartload of bins and stuff and her mom was directing where to put things again. I was ignored after being told that the television placement was unsatisfactory as well as the phone. (great. right?)
So I talked to her dad and I would be perfectly happy if i never saw her mom again. not that I wish nobody ever saw her again, but that I dont want to see her. DO NOT instruct me where to put MY things in MY home, as I see it.
Meanwhile, I met some pretty neat people. There is a room of guys on my floor with like three computers and four monitors. I'm in love... with their stuff. and to top it off, they are nice too. one of the guys and his neighbor were in my orientation group back in June, and we hung out ALL night last night... v. interesting, but pretty sweet just the same. I'm so happy to be meeting some people already and making some friends too. That room and like the neighbors around it seem really nice and there is a room of girls neighboring us (IT Honors girls! yay!) that seem pretty nice. Yay friendmaking skills!!


spike said...

"IT honors girls" is such a sexy phrase... you have no idea how awesome it is that IT and girls could ever be used in the same sentence

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, you know those guys in the other room down the hall you were talking about... I've met them, they are totally awesome!!!

Haha I'm just kidding, I am one of those guys. It's been great fun meeting a lot of new people. Beth and Laurie (hope I spelt that right) are great people. Definitely some of the best! If you haven't met them, get to know them!