Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter blag

Happy Easter! Today I go back to the grind of school- exciting but not really.
I just received one of my recently deceased grandmother's favorite brooches- I'm not entirely sure what to think of this, I'll go with contemplative yet happy.
I'm happy for many reasons- I'm surrounded by family (even extended), I have (most of) my homework done, it's Easter, I'm happy for what Jesus did for all of us many era's ago, after getting lots of it taken in my bridesmaid's dress fits, my boyfriend loves me, and I just got 100 dollars.
I also got to see extended family this weekend, and spend Easter with a 6 year old. I think I forgot how exciting it was when I was that young. Dying Easter eggs was amazing- I'm glad I wasn't the only one who wanted to do it this year! I also participated in the first Easter egg hunt I've ever had- but I was on the hiding side of it. I don't think I missed out on much, though. I also got to stuff Easter baskets- a first. I thought it was fun, especially doing my cousin's because I knew how excited he would be when he found it.
It might be tough going back to the grind next week- but I'm really happy I had this time to relax.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Late Night Revelations

Out late again, seeing and talking to my two "older brothers". We have such great conversations, and it was a nice time to sit back and listen to what has been going on in their lives. We got on an hour long conversation about Dragonball Z, they gave me a couple teasers about what is going to happen beyond what I've seen (sorry Matt!), and we had a nice discussion about why Piccolo is the best character, which I might agree to disagree that the best character is, in fact, Vegeta.
And sometimes my own nerdiness surprises me that I care about these kinds of things. I guess it's better than getting hooked on some lame reality TV show- and I apologize to anyone reading who likes reality TV.
Gotta say though, not all that interesting. I mean, the dramatized ones with a prize at the end- I can understand watching those, like "Biggest Loser" or "America's Next Top Model" or (gasp!) dare I say, "American Idol", even. But ones like "The Hills" -please. Reality TV soap opera.
Again, if that's your thing I apologize. Each individual is more than entitled to their own tastes.
Things I would like to see more on television would maybe be televised, public, glamorized shows that actually help people. Maybe a reality TV charity thing- that maybe builds houses for those affected by the tsunami of '05. At least the characters will be doing something worthwhile while entertaining us fat Americans. Maybe make it a competition- the one with the best project at the end gets a free vacation somewhere and maybe some money. Call it "Project Humanity".
Let's glamorize volunteerism- make those Americans get off their butts for a change.
I suppose some would call me a hypocrite for that statement, though.
Really though, what HAVE I done lately? I'm a little ashamed to say very little. Outside of organizing a nonperishable food drive in my apartment building last fall and donating to the Alzheimer's Association, I really haven't helped anyone but myself in matters not related to school or personal business. This needs to change. I guess if anyone has ideas- please post!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

And yay for spring break! I've gotten an opportunity to re-learn LaTeX all over again, which has been interesting. Tonight I celebrated St. Patrick's day with some very good friends, and later ended out at the bar with another one of them. Green beer ftw!
It's about that time where I get super sleepy though, goodnight everyone!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


So my parents finally stepped out of the stone age and got the internets (again).

Am very excited. Especially because I don't have to drive about 10 minutes only to buy either a fruit and yogurt parfait or a hot apple blast so that I can check my email.

Spring break started yesterday at 2:15, I am looking forward to doing nothing this week!

I went out drinking with an old elementary school teacher today, and it was not as awkward as I thought it would be. Yay!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Happiness is....Procrastination!

In lieu of drawing or reading, like I should be, I decided to update on a happier note.
It's a little sad how depressing this blog has turned out to be. I'm making a mental note to post when I'm happy too.
Went to the sausage fest (annual sausage dinner in Sleepy Eye, MN) again this weekend, which was absolutely amazing. It's an annual Soukup family reunion thing, and this year his grandfather (apparently) asked that I be there. I guess they like me? (yess!)
I love feeling loved, which is maybe what I was missing before. Such things have seem to become rectified, and the darkness may be moving along as it should be.
I'm really looking forward to seeing an old friend on Friday. We're going to Ikea- for my first time ever! slightly excited.