Thursday, July 19, 2007

Three Weddings and a Funeral

So, a lot has happened- news-wise. My two best girl friends from Hibbing are getting married- both next summer. I'm really good friends with one of their fiancees, and was so thrilled to hear that they were engaged. Those two are really meant for each other. The other fiancee I've only talked to online, and I think he understands how lucky he is that he has her. And, as previously noted, my brother is also getting married to the woman of his dreams next summer as well. I am so happy for all three couples, and hope that I find the happiness that they share some day.
At the same time, I can't help thinking about marriage. I know that I'm not ready, nowhere near it. But at the same time it doesn't have that bite it used to. I may actually look forward to it someday.
The summer is coming to an end, I'm not sure if I'm relieved or sad. I like my job, however it will be nice to get back into the school thing. And I miss Matt way too much. On the other hand I won't get to see my family and friends in Hibbing so often soon either.
I will be excited to finally move into my apartment. This should happen in about a month, I think. Unfortunately, we only get 24 hours to switch apartments, so whatever moving that needs to be done needs to be done fast. ick.
Grandma Young died this month. I can't believe she's not with us any more. It used to be the largest reason we went back to Bay City. Its so far, and whenever we go someone always gets mad at us for not staying with them, seeing them long enough, etc. I don't think my extended family realizes how stressful they can make our vacations sometimes. But Grandma- she was happy for any time you were able to spend with her. Fred was by far her favorite great-grandchild, especially when he was younger. I'm surprised he took her death as well as he had. I'm happy she's with Grandpa now, and all the fish she could ever want to catch. I will always remember them whenever I go fishing or camping- it was their enthusiasm that drove our own, and I owe them for all the happy memories my family had while camping for starting the fever within us.
Today after work I started driving. just driving. In the general direction of home. Not sure why. Kind of like when I take a walk, but more expensive. I miss my walks at night. So much beauty in the night sky at home. No lights. Just God.

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