Friday, June 29, 2007

Pre-Fourth Activities

Goodness, its been a while, and a few things have happened.
For one, I am officially debt free. as of right now. Not like any one but me cares, but its exciting just the same. I want to celebrate, but there is nobody to do that with.
It just seems like there is never anybody around. Maybe I drive people away. Am I snobby? I don't mean to be. I'm blunt sometimes, and it comes off as bitchy. Maybe that's what bitchy is. Needless sharing of bad opinions. I'll work on it. I'll add it to the list of character defects I'm working on.
Grandma Young died. Last Wednesday. So sudden- got a call at work. Started to cry, its kind of amusing (now it is) how men react to a women crying- like "Its broken! Do something! Fix it!" /panic. So I got the rest of the week off, drove home. Drove to Michigan. Drove back. I need to do something about driving home though. There seems to be an evil stretch of highway that I drive on my way home from work that makes me cry most days. I think its because I recognize it whenever I drive past it, reminded where I started simultaneously bawling and driving, and then it makes me think of Grandma. Then I cry. Probably not safe.
Her funeral was cute. Like her. Very casual- very like her. Closed casket. She threatened my Grandma Kiesel (this was my Great Grandmother that died) that if "[my] kids open the casket on me I swear I'll sit up and wink at every one of 'em". Most people know my feelings on "reborn" or "modern" Christianity, which was the funeral service, so I'm going to leave off commenting on that. I cried. In front of people. How embarassing, second time it happened too. Didn't make it much better that while I was regaining my composure my well-meaining Aunts were trying to introduce me to 'Aunt soandso, and Uncle whatshisface'.
Couple weeks ago drove up north to cheer a friend running Grandma's Marathon. She is so inspiring- so strong, so happy. I am so honored to call her my friend. I took a few friends up there, one got heat stroke and was also allergic to Snickers. I feel SO bad... I know its not my fault, but I still feel like I could have done something more about it.
Had a surprise birthday party for a very good friend of mine tonight. I was so happy to see everyone there, and to hang out with everyone. Mostly I was happy we were having a party for this one particular friend. He's probably the closest friend I have here.
And of course, I still miss Matt. Like a lot. I don't ever see that changing. I see him in two weekends! And I really need a "hug" right now.

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