Saturday, July 28, 2007


I just got my cartilage pierced. I'm kind of a huge fan right now, at least its distracting me a little.
Emo is such a strong word- angst maybe? Sorry if I don't have much to smile about, there is a lot of my life thats pretty screwed up right now. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just one thing, but doesn't it always seem that troubles come in hordes?
I also need to stop complaining. Buck up little soldier! God, I miss my father right now.
Saw the Simpson's movie tonight, I've seen a lot of movies over the past week- it seems the choice thing to do nowadays. It was very funny.
Parking is very close to being settled. Happy.
I've seen a lot of my friends lately too. Double happy. So happy to have them here. It will be more awesome when they're all here. Soon!
I'm going on vacation next week, starting Wednesday. In just a few days. I really need it right now, I think. But then again, who doesn't right now? I think I would be happier if I could just stay in Des Moines the whole time with Matt, but then I wouldn't get to see my extended family. I'm really glad he's coming, even if that means I have to go down to Iowa and get him. That drive is getting a little old, though.
I can't believe its almost August already. It seems like time flies by so quickly. I can't believe that I'll be 21 in about 3 months. Not like its going to change much, haha. I feel like I'm a bad influence on a few of my friends, though. I got Tyler to drink for the first time last night, now I can only think 'what have I done?' At least he had fun, I think. He wants to do it again, so it must not have been too terrible. I think Dan has drank before, so I don't feel so bad. And it was his beer haha. Alcohol makes people say things they shouldn't, and I did. At least the reaction was the same, and I probably learned some things I normally wouldn't have.
At least it wasn't too awkward today.

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