Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy Fourth of July!

For the Fourth of July. I was fortunate to share a four day weekend with Matt in New Ulm. It was an amazing four days, I wish they would have lasted longer. Now I won't see him for a while, but I think I can make it even though I will miss him like crazy.
Last Thursday my best friend from elementary school came to visit me. Alice and I have kept our friendship going for over 12 years, even though I don't get to see her that often. Its pretty amazing when you only see a good friend every so often; as soon as you meet again its as if you never seperated. Sure, things are a little different now, but she and I will always be friends and its really amazing to think how long friendships can last if given time and comittment. She is interning at a resort in Brainerd, MN for the summer, hence her ability to come visit me. I wish I could go visit her but it is very hard to get away, and when I do I see either Matt or family in Hibbing. This was her first time in a large city, and I was able to show her around and show off my horrible driving skills. Seriously, I've never driven as bad as I did when she was in the car. (ick). After getting lost, we made it to he Mall of America and ate at Hooters- great chicken wings, by the way. HAHA. We both purchased T-Shirts and were then attacked by mall vendors trying to sell hand cream from the Dead Sea. Apparently, this happens all the time.
Friday I was able to see the Devil wears Prada with Laurie C Missy Adam David and Ellen, college friends. The movie was pretty good, despite the fact that we had to wait in Applebees for two hours because I have a serious inability to plan anything lately.
Saturday, I finally saw Matt. We spent the best weekend I've had in a long time together. The weather was warm, New Ulm is beautiful, and best of all, it was with him. I guess I sound pretty pathetic when I say I miss him already and it hasn't even been a day since I've seen him last. The worst part is that I started to cry when I left-how embarassing. Except for that part, I had a great time, and I can't wait to see him again, even though it will be at least three weeks from now. Fortunately this period of long distance will end, and it isn't so bad now anyway. At least he tries to see me...
I only regret not spending more time with my own family this weekend. It isn't a very big regret, either. Mom seemed sad that I was not coming home, but I think she understood. I will see them in a week and a half if not in a few days anyway. Cassie's wedding is so close-it suprised me how fast it came. That means that over half of the summer is over, a bittersweet idea. Summer will be over, but I will get to see more of my friends and more of Matt again.
Now I just need to figure out how to get by in an airport... yeesh.. wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

betH!!! Sounds like a crazy time, as usual... Valleyfair is gonna rock when we go!!! take it easy....