Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Summer is almost over, six weeks left.

I like Summer and everything, but I'm ready for school to start again. It really sucks when the ones you love most are at least 100 miles away. Oh yeah, thanks Bush. Gas prices SUCK.

How is it that I'm working my ass off 40+ hours a week and I find myself completely broke?

We set up a 18-foot tall crystallizer today. So many people tell me that my summer is 'more productive' than the rest of my classmates. How can they know? They don't know my classmates. I go to school with a crapload of fricking Einstein children. They probably read textbooks in their freetime.

I guess it depends on your definition of 'more productive'

Matt and I have been going out for six months. He bought me a necklace. Nobody has ever done that for me. Its from a jewlery store- I really really hope he didn't spend too much on me, I already figure its way more than I've spent on him. I know 'its not the gift its the thought' or whatever, but I feel really really guilty when there is such a huge price difference.

On a happy note, we have been able to see each other fairly regularily. It really has made the Summer pass more quickly. Time goes by too fast when I see him, though. I miss him now.

Cassi's wedding was pretty fun. The relatives kept asking me about Matt. Ellie came. I was ignored for the most part, less than usual however. My Uncle was concerned about underage drinking. I was wondering what he expected: Cassi just turned 20, all of her friends are 19/20, she has two younger sisters who also had friends there, her husband is 20, his friends are 20. The only legal ones there were my Aunts and Uncles and her older brother. Obviously underage drinking would be a problem.

It was really great to see relatives and everyone, but it was great to be back here too. This was the first time I've flown in a long time, and the first time by myself. It was an awesome experience, and I can't wait to do it again.

Trav and Erica are coming down to see me in a week and a half. I can't wait. I guess some other Hibbing-ites might come. I think if they do, we should look at hotel rooms. I would feel really bad if I had a mini-party here while the Kaedings were gone and trusting me with their house. If it was my own house I probably wouldn't have a problem with it. I barely know these people, and would feel really really bad if too many people stayed here- it just looks wrong. As if I'm having a party when I'm really not.

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