Saturday, January 14, 2006

Winter Break Closes...

These past few days have been interesting for me. A few days ago, I went to see a Hibbing Community College basketball game with an old friend- her boyfriend is on the team. Afterwards, we went bowling and I was informed that her boyfriend's friend noticed me in the bleachers and wanted to talk to me. He joined us in our bowling game a few rounds into the game, and suprisingly, he barely talked to me. He did ask for my phone number, which I gave to him- I figured he would want it for trophy purposes or something. He actually called me later that night, and wanted to know if I would stop by the dorms the next day to see him. Being a bit naive, I said yes. The next day, I went into his room and three of his friends were playing Madden while he prepared himself dinner. I sat down and watched his friends play their videogame, I figured 'hey, this must be what we're doing'. He got done preparing his food and placed it in the oven and motioned me to his bedroom where there was a basketball game turned on on the TV there. I reassessed my thinking and thought 'well, we will be watching a basketball game'. I should have known better. I also should learn to read into people's motives more. He asked if I wanted the lights on or off- I didnt care whether the lights were on or off so I left it up to him. On second thought this should have been a red flag for me. When he sat down next to me, he asked if he could put his arm around me, I replied that it was fine, and then he started rubbing my side and asking about how many men I've been with. Suddenly alarmed, I tried thinking of a quick escape. It was nearing 8.30 so I figured I could hold out for another 20 minutes. he then asked if he could kiss me and I let him (stupid stupid stupid!). He got really friendly and I booked. I can't believe I am this dumb.
I decided to make a list of DO's and DONT's for women and college men:
- When a college man asks you to go to his dorm room: DONT. especially if you dont know him. I am so overly trusting of people and naive, it makes me sick.
- If you do go to his dorm room, DO bring someone with you!
- Always tell someone where you are going
- Don't let them all over you- it just isnt that great for anyone's reputation.
- Get to know the guy first- somewhere that is safe.
Like I said: all of this is common sense and I can't believe that I'm so dumb to ignore it.
Other than this mis-adventure, I have had a great time here. I have seen my closest friends a lot, and today one made dinner for us all. I consider myself very lucky to have such great friends here. I am sad to go, but I only go to a place where I have more friends- granted, I don't know them as well as I know the people here, but in time I believe that will change.
Favorite moments here over break include: going to the hockey game with my dad, going to Valintines and Jon's with the gang, playing DnD with them, going to Duluth to see the Producers, staying home and watching 40 yr old Virgin, going to Virginia and making cookies with Erica, talking to and playing Halo 2 with Matt, Beating people in Fequency, walking three miles in the cold at night with Grant Matt and Jon, eating hotwings and going bowling with Joe, watching Boondock Saints in my basement, getting wasted with everybody on New Years and going sledding too, Enjoying Christmas with my family, and above all- seeing everyone throughout this break! If there is anything i missed feel free to comment on it- my only defense is that just too much happened for me to remember it all!
I am very excited to go back now. I cant wait until I see everyone again, and I am excited to work on the set that we are building for a movie that I am helping produce. A friend of mine started an entirely new group at the U of Mn called Film and Video Effects Magic: basically we teach other people how to make movies and we create movies. It is really exciting and we will be submitting a film to the film festival held here if everything goes fine.
Also I will be starting a research job under my chemistry professor. I am very excited to begin this- it has been a goal of mine since I got into the honors program here to get involved with a research project. I also need to start typing my resume and applying to companies for internships... this is scary. I really need one- mostly so that I can afford to go to college next year- but what if I don't get one? It happens- a lot- that would be really sad. I just need to think positive on this.
Well I will keep you updated on my trials and toils in college!

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