Monday, February 16, 2009

so, what happened?

Thinking back over the past year, I've realized how much I've changed. Pretty much every aspect of my life, except spiritually, I've done a near-180. For example, this time in 2008 I was struggling in a failing relationship, looking toward pursuing a phD in Chemical Engineering anywhere but here, recently highlighted my hair with blonde streaks, working in classes centered around the theory of chemical engineering, starting new research with no known publications, and had no married friends.
Now, two of my best friends are married, I have three publications, I'm not doing research at all, I'm working in classes centered around applications (i.e. labs) of chemical engineering, I have red hair (much to my parents chagrin), I have a job and will not be pursuing a phD, I'll be staying in Minnesota permanently, and I'm in a budding relationship with a new guy.
Just about everything that was important to my future and my life has changed. Amazing what a year can do to someone. And still, with all this change and ups and downs, this past year was better than the one prior. I hope I'm never depressed like that again.
One thing that has not changed, however, is my lack of sleep during the school year.
On one hand, I can't wait to graduate. On the other, I'm not ready. I'm ready to move on with my life, but I don't want all the bad that comes with that. I have a feeling that the next three and a half months are going to fly by me faster than the past three and a half years have. I'm dreading that a little- graduation is happening too soon.

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