Monday, January 26, 2009

New Years Anecdotes

It's the start of my last semester, and I'm already looking forward to it ending. Mostly, because the end of this semester brings my first big-girl job, a salary, and summer. Unfortunately, it also brings the end to my extremely casual wardrobe and the beginning of a single lonely life in a large city.
Fortunately for me, a few of my good friends are staying in the area, and hopefully a few more will find jobs in the area as well. Even the single thing might not be completely true anymore. *sigh, happy*
One thing still stands, however. Being in the middle of a complete wardrobe transition sucks. I am down to three pairs of jeans (unheard of!) and now I'm needing to wear nicer pants to school. On the shirts side, I'm somewhere in the middle of lots of black/neutral business-casual tops and U of M t-shirts and sweatshirts. It's an odd combination. I want my jeans back.
School has started pretty well, I'm taking two labs (yes, I'm a masochist I'm aware), a polymers course, two design courses, and a wine tasting class. Fortunately one of the labs is only an A term course and will be done in about 6 weeks, and one of the design courses will then step up as a B term course. So far, they all look interesting but also look like a fair amount of work. Something I'm used to, I guess.
I tried sushi for the first time last week, on a date (at least I think it was a date?). The guy I was with seemed fairly knowledgeable about it and I liked it for the most part. Unfortunately, I found out that I'm not a huge fan of crab while attempting to eat my massive California roll. Everything around it was tasty- it was a bit weird getting over the sensation of putting a slab of raw fish in my mouth at first.
This year, I finally made a resolution. I want to get out of Argyle more often. Doesn't matter where, as long as fun or friends or both are involved. So far, I've been keeping up on the promise to myself- going to Becky's for Scrubs/Cribbage night, hanging out at Joe's, and likely wearing out my welcome at Chris' house. Trivia night at the Big 10 is still a weekly thing, and hopefully I'll get the chance to go to more bars across campus and Minneapolis, not just the same ones in stadium village (even though they are fantastic staples).
It's not that I dislike Argyle, it's just that I'm getting tired of going to the same apartment every night and either watching a movie or TV, or playing rockband. As fun as those are, I do feel bad that I'm over there more than I should be.

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