Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bomb Threat

In the middle of organic chemistry, learning about... well... organic-y-stuff, a police officer barges in and interrupts my lecturer's speech, saying that the building was being evacuated and that we were all to leave. Best day of O.Chem in my life.
In a panic, the class emptied and I probably did the worst thing imaginable-I called my mom. She tends to worry, and this didn't help. woopsie. I believe her advice was something along the lines of 'make sure to travel in crowds and always keep lots of people around you'. I realized she was talking about shrapnel.
I thought the whole thing was a drill up until they told us that we could not even be in the vicinity of the building- then I headed towards the grad students that I do research with. I figured they would at least tell them what is going on. Turns out that they knew a little more than I did- that there was in fact a bomb threat and the whole side of the mall was being evacuated because of it (7 buildings!). Rumors are that Smith was the main target, which scares me. I can't imagine how many bottles of toxic chemicals are in that building.
I guess I kind of expected something like this to happen, especially after the Virginia Tech shootings. I never would have expected it to happen here, though.
All the hype is scaring me, in a weird way. I am used to bomb threats, albeit not in this magnitude, yet I am still a bit freaked out. Probably too much nastiness that has occurred over this past week. First Virginia Tech, a few other nasty things, and now this.
God, be with those in Virginia, and if you have some spare time save the creep who did this.

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