Saturday, February 10, 2007

Vagabond Pineapple

Vagabond Pineapple. One of my better aliases. MSN generated, but Beth approved.
Yay for college. Again, sorry its been a while. Life seems to have caught up with me and drug me along with it just like my dad drags me along in the boat when I go tubing.
I'm getting really sick of living here. The apartment next year shall be grand. I need a change of pace or something. Preferably slower.
Speaking of the apartment- I am very excited. To be able to have my own kitchen... well... one I share with three other girls anyway. To be able to come home late... and still be able to eat! To have non-UDS food. To decorate for holidays. To make our own rules. To go grocery shopping for things that aren't soup and water. To be able to decorate in general. To have a teeny bit more space. To live with the best girls that I've met down here. minus a few, of course- I mean, who would want to live in an apartment of 8 people? that's outrageous!
We originally applied for a five person apartment. In early November. We finally heard back in late January, only to hear that we didn't get it. However, one of our friends that applied after we did got a five person apartment. How does this work? I don't know. So now we had to pretty much leave one girl stranded and downsize. The only fortunate thing about this is that she will be studying abroad next spring, and would only need the apartment for fall semester. I still feel terrible about this, and the future landlady I've tried to contact will not answer my questions on the matter.
Then again, I guess I've never really lived life all that slowly. Looking back at high school I don't really regret not having time for myself, however. I guess it made the bad parts pass all that more quickly. I probably wouldn't know what to do with myself if I had more time.
I miss my friends in Hibbing.
I'm going to California in a month! Having never been outside the midwest, one of my life goals is to see the ocean. Perhaps one day I will make a list of things to do before I die, but that seems so mortal and gloomy. California is going to be very exciting. Just buying the ticket I got an adrenaline rush comparable to finishing my last final of a semester.
Speaking of class in one semester I will never take chemistry or math again. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. Also- next semester, I will wish that I did have to take math or physics again because its apparently super difficult.
I am thoroughly enjoying the internship, on the other hand. I know why I want to be a chemical engineer. I think its the work environment.
Took a trip to New Ulm this past weekend. We surprised Michael (his younger brother) and brought him to St. Paul to see one of his favorite wrestlers. Driving 400 miles was totally worth the surprised look on Michael's face. Also- I think its important that he would be able to meet one of his idols. Living in the boonies as I did growing up, I was never able to actually meet a celebrity until I went to the warped tour after 11th grade. Yeah, admitting to have met the types of celebrities I liked then would be an embarrassment now, but then it would have mattered a big deal to me.
Have to get my license plate tags renewed. Have no idea where to do that. Wish me luck. Maybe I'll ask the guys in the lab. They're grad students. Married (most). and probably have vehicles.
Its been a year with Matt. An amazing year, so much has happened. I won't drone on lest I make everyone ill.
Driving home over winter break, it started to snow. Because it was the first time it had really snowed this winter, at first I was happy, then sad to realize that I would be driving through it. I love to watch snow fall. Anyway, while driving, I noticed a huge patch of I-35 S was closed off. A few miles later- I saw a semi in the ditch, the front half slightly mangled. A tire in the middle of the road. and a black pancake. I think it used to be a car- was then about 3 feet high. If they lived it would have been a miracle. Its kind of like I saw someone die. but not really. So I said a quick prayer for the souls of the victims of the accident. kind of a morbid thought- thats probably the closest I've been to God recently.
and it made me kind of sad.

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