Monday, August 21, 2006

College is around the corner

I can't wait to move back to college. I'm ready for a change of pace.

What is very annoying is that I had a long well-thought-out rant on pretty much everything for the past two weeks. and then my hand hit my mouse pad on my laptop and navigated away from the page and I lost everything. Now I can't remember anything I typed before.

I was able to go to Hibbing last weekend. I find that the more I am away from the place the more I miss it. I might actually look forward to going back one day. It was nice to see my parents and brother and old friends. Matt Stonich, a friend of mine, leaves for the Air Force soon. He plans on driving jets, I wish him luck and safeness, and I will definitely worry for him, just like I do with Nosie (Navy). I was able to see Grant for the first time this summer, I have had bad timing every other time I've been home. I played guitar hero on the PS2 and it was as amazing as I have heard it could be.

Krysti transferred to UND from the U of MN. Man, am I going to miss her. I hope she does well, and I know she will in whatever she chooses to do.

Grant only has one year left and then he is done with school for good, it sounds like. Good for him, albeit a little scary that my friends are starting to finish their schooling. Trav starts his first year this year, I am so happy for him. Erica and Herrboldt are doing the HCC thing again for another year, and it sounds like my brother's girlfriend will be taking the year off. Good luck to them all, however I miss them too much.

Trav and Erica saw me a few weeks ago- we went to Valleyfair and the Mall of America. Matt came up from New Ulm and went too. It was overall a great weekend, but I think I'm starting to get a little old for Valleyfair. Even though I've only been there twice now. Matt and I had a caricature done. It ended up turning out really cute, the person drawing it had really bright blue eyes. His name was Antwon, he was amazing, and Matt and I are positive the caricature was worth staring at Antwon draw.

Work is fine, I can't complain. Apparently I work too much, personally I think I can't work enough. I will be able to keep the job over the school year, so we will see how the semester goes. Maybe I will sleep on weekends...

Living here over the summer has made me realize two things about myself: I should get married one day, and I probably shouldn't live in a large city. Having Mike's house completely to myself for pretty much two weeks made me so lonely and depressed. I don't like the feeling, and it made me realize that I need companionship. I definitely wouldn't want to live in a large city because people drive like idiots. This and everyone is packed into every nook and cranny like sardines. I'm sorry, I really need my space. I don't like people that much. When I want to go shopping I don't want twelve other people staring over my shoulder. When I go to work and drive 20 miles on a freeway, it shouldn't take 45 minutes. Yet these things happen in high population areas. Therefore, one day I will leave and live in a smaller town. Probably about the size of Duluth. I like Duluth.

As for the rest of my life, it goes by as usual. I miss Matt entirely too much, I can't wait to see all of my friends again, and I can't wait to see my parents this weekend when my brother moves into his apartment in St.Paul. And I want to see Snakes on a Plane. I don't care how cheesy it is.

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