Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beth update

It's been so long since I've updated, guess the whole blogging thing hasn't been working out so much.

Especially since I've gotten a twitter account (@bkiesel). So much easier. I told myself I would only get it if I could call it "twatting".

Since my last blog:

I graduated from college. I made it! I felt so triumphant that day, except when I fell down the stairs before the pre-ceremony for the chemical engineering department. Well, at least it didn't happen in front of the entire IT class.

I went to Boston with Chris. It was amazing, we walked the brick trail going through most of the tourist sights in Boston, toured "old ironsides", visited Harvard and MIT, and had a fantastic dinner at a little Italian restaurant in little Italy.

I started working full-time at Ecolab. Since starting, I'll have one patent (from my work from last summer) and possibly another. I made a dish detergent for Europe, which will be implemented next year. I'm generally making the Earth a greener place one soap at a time, by using biodegradeable and green materials to replace problematic ones.

I started playing softball in an Ecolab beer league. We took first place in the playoffs! I managed to hit a few, and I only struck out once in the last two games. I guess it comes back quickly.

I moved! To uptown, with Towey, Denise and Scott. We live in an enormous duplex with a landlord that is very young (in his late 20's we think) and therefore can be a little... irresponsible? Nevertheless, every major issue has been taken care of swiftly. Two girls just moved in next door with three dogs. It's nice to see puppies in the back yard, however they tend to poo all over the place. It would be nice if they cleaned that up. Otherwise, great neighbors.

That's been the general swing of things, nothing too incredibly exciting. I'm depressed that many of my friends from college are no longer living nearby. It's really starting to sink in that there are people I may never see again, it seems especially real now that the UMN just started. I know I'll see the people that I stay in touch with, it's just very sad to not be able to run down the hall and grab 5-8 people and have an impromptu get-together. Fortunately, I still live with three of my friends, and there are a few sprinkled around the area that still live here. It's just quieter than I'm used to. I miss you guys.

1 comment:

Matt dB said...

I miss all you folk too...