Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Maybe it's just this time of year...

I feel like I'm being taken for granted by a good friend.

I have a friend, call them "Bob", who I've supported and become very good friends with over the past four years. I can tell Bob pretty much anything. We get along great, and used to hang out a lot.

I have another friend, call them "Jerry". Jerry is awesome. Bob thinks Jerry is awesome too, so much in fact that they like to hang out and study together. None of the above is in any way a problem, nor is it a problem with either Bob or Jerry. In fact, I think it's awesome.

My problem is that whenever I suggest doing something with Bob, they go and do the very same thing with Jerry. Which is fine, if I were invited, but I'm often not. It really becomes an issue when I have a great idea for a party, would really like to see a movie I've never seen, or even just really want to do something. I don't even always hear about it from Bob in the first place, either. I get to hear about the two of them doing something secondhand from Jerry who wonders why I'm so mad I wasn't invited, and is often surprised to hear that it was my idea in the first place.

It's not that I'm mad that I'm not invited to things, I've started hanging out with some of my other friends- partially because they actually leave the building once in a while, partially because I feel like I'm wearing on my other friends, and partially because I like to be with Chris- and therefore I'm not always here to be invited. It's the principle that it was my idea in the first place, that I was the one who recently brought it up, and that the thought of calling to invite me never occurs to Bob, and Bob gets irritated when I don't invite him to do things, which is pretty rare on my part.

So, in short, I feel taken for granted like I'm in a one-sided friendship. I've not approached Bob about this and I'm not sure how or that I'm actually going to. I might just be throwing myself a pity party, who knows.

Sigh, buck up: little soldier.

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