Thursday, April 30, 2009


So, graduation is coming quickly. In a week. I'm not ready yet! I'm really excited at the prospect of not taking exams or needing to purchase books. I'm just not ready to be a real person yet. I am, however, ready for the paychecks!
I recently received a roommate request via my friend's fiance. I am waiting on a few of my best friends to get jobs and live with me. Honestly, I don't know what to do- I would rather keep waiting but I'm not sure I want to take that chance, given the current luck of my friends and the state of the economy. I'm not ready to give up on them though, that sounds way too harsh. I don't know what to do.

I can't wait to go to Boston. I've really wanted to see the east coast for a while, and don't think being shipped to Delaware for 24 hours for an interview counts, as I was there for an interview and did no sightseeing. Really, really, excited. Next trip: NYC/Ithaca with C and Nic about this time next year. Maybe.

It's really depressing when I think about who I'll be staying in touch with after school ends. The reality of it is that I'll probably still talk to C, Kyle, Scott and Joe, Nic because he'll be with C, Becky, Molly, David and Caitlin because they'll be around here, Ben because he's living with Chris and Jill because she's dating Ben. My point is that outside of people who are convenient to stay in touch with, I'll only keep in touch with C, Kyle, Scott and Joe. There are many people here who I consider to be my friends that I'll probably never see again. Goodbye, 7th floor MBH, forever.

On a side note, I started a twitter:
Not entirely sure that it was a good idea, but I'm conforming to society once again. Also, it's an interesting way to be fed the news in the morning.

1 comment:

Matt dB said...

I'm on the Middlebrook side wondering who I will keep in touch with over there in Argyle. It's tough to think that we won't all be so physically/emotionally/socially/etc close in a few months, but at least we have electronic means to make sure we haven't gone mad.