Saturday, September 01, 2007


Last weekend, I drove to Iowa for the last time in a while to help Matt move back to New Ulm. Lets just say that my car is very relieved that it will not be making such long trips so frequently anymore. Matt agrees that he should have a car for next summer, and I'm relieved that he does. In a way, I didn't mind going to see him all the time- because that's the way it had to be. There really was no sane alternative to it. Also in a way, it totally sucked. The drive was 3.5 hours long, most of it through cornfields. I listened to a lot of books on CD, and music and such. My car totally took a beating. Most of the time I left work early to get there at a decent hour. And come home late on Sundays.
I'm glad that part of the summer is over.
The worst parts of my life seem to be looking better. I am so grateful, and wish that I could do more about it. I can't, and don't even feel like mentioning it to most people. I guess in a way I think they'll just betray me in some way if I tell them, which may or may not be ridiculous- depending on the person in question. Matt knows, and I trust him- my best friend here.
School starts Tuesday. I'm excited, but wary because I don't know if I finally bit off more than I can chew. Day at a time, soldier, day at a time. I'm really excited to get into my core curriculum here. Done with generals, I go yay.
I want Matt here. For purely selfish reasons. I can't wait until Sunday (when he moves here), but feel its redundant and pitiful to tell him so.
I think that I've finally felt that I might be important to someone else, and I like the feeling. First time I've ever felt like that about someone here. I don't want to be the center of anyone's life, but a little interest now and again is appreciated.
He's in the process of finishing a demo for a game he's programming. Honestly, how many people our age can program entire computer games? he's a humble genius. and dedicated too. He spends entire days working on it. He spent the entirety of this last week working on it. Except for one night that I know of, anyway.
I'm so happy for him

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