Friday, May 12, 2006

Its over!

Freshman year at the University of Minnesota is officially over! I can 't believe how much has changed since last September. I've met so many people and I think I've matured a little along the way.
Matt leaves today, I leave tomorrow. After this, its very probable that it will be over a month before I see him again. After three failed attempts in long distance relationships, this doesn't look promising- except that the seperation ENDS! This and the fact that three months can pass faster than one would think, especially if the said months are in the summer, make me realize that we can do this, and it (hopefully) won't be as terrible as it sounds.
He is meeting the family in a month, at Fred's grad party. I feel bad, I'm springing most of my extended family, my brother, and Hibbing on him at the same time. Good thing he is really easy-going, I just hope he still likes me when its all over :E
I've also learned a lot. Wow, imagine going to college and learning a few things! I'm really going to miss everyone here- all the people on my floor are like one big family. Next year though, we will still be in the same vicinity, which will be different, yet the same. I'm rooming with the same girl next year, I'm really happy I got such a great roomate. Seeing some of the people on the floor that I could have ended up with, I realize that my roomate and I are probably the best match for each other.
I start work on Monday, I move into Mike's house tomorrow. I am really excited for both adventures, but I don't know what time I start working on Monday yet...
I will for sure keep you updated on my adventures over the summer, there is bound to be quite a few-
until then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! Yeah - I'm totally doing the long-distance relationship thing too. It sucks because my girlfriend lives in Omaha, NE, and it's a 6 hour drive from Minneapolis! So 12 hours round trip is totally brutal but the longer she's gone, the more I want to go go go. Anyway, it sounds like you had a fantastic first year in ITH; I know I did. I'm staying in Minneapolis this summer and school doesn't really end -- it's only been two days and I already want it to start again. Anyway, talk to you later.