Saturday, February 18, 2006

A trip to Chucky Cheese

Last night a group of friends and I took a field trip to the abode of a certain Chuck E. Cheese. It was the first time that I had ever been there, and it was an experience worth remembering. Besides the fact that its tailored to the 8 and under age category, the games there were suprisingly fun.
Upon entering the place, we were greeted with the loud laughter of children and the smell of greasy pizza. Hungry as all hell, the group of us sat down, well aware that we were at least ten years older than most of the people there. While waiting for pizza, My friend Boof and I experimented with the video cameras that they had set up near the eating place. You could zoom in on anyone in the room and whatever you saw would come up on the big screen. Finally, our pizza came so boof and I stopped tormenting our friends by zooming in on their faces so the little kids in the room could watch them talk. That, and there was a little girls birthday party on the table next to us and they were starting to arrive. While eating our delicious greasy pizza, the 'show' started to come to life- there was a huge robot Chuck E. Cheese and he danced, kinda, and music started to play. As all of this happened, we watched the little girls dance and some guy go in the back room. A few minutes later, Chuck E. Cheese came out of the same door! I can't believe that no one has figured that one out yet. I thought little kids were smarter than that. Anyway, once the 'show' was over, they sang "Happy Birthday" to the little girl, and of course we joined in. I bet she got the serenade of her life. After everything, Chuck E Cheese walked back in the 'magic door' and out came that dude. i think Adam asked him if he was Chuck E Cheese, and he nodded. He also had a nametag that said something like 'cheesemeister' or something. whatever.
Once we were finished with our pizza, we meandered upstairs to the world of arcade games and proceeded to get screwed over on all the games, because that's what arcade games do. We did end up with 905 tickets though (after pooling them all together) which was pretty sweet. We all got these cheap bracelets and rubber lizards. Unfortunately, the bracelets only fit the girls. haha.
Overall, I had a great time. It was a great idea, especially after taking a math test of death earlier in the day. Unfortunately now, I need to do a crapload of homework. Yay for college.

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