Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jesus

Health Care Bill

As frustrating as the entire process of health care reform has been, I feel like there is one major positive attribute of it all. Without the frequent attempts to stall the piece of legislation and the constant media attention, Americans would not be discussing the bill so frequently and would likely be less involved in politics. Not only this, I believe that the entire process that the bill has gone through has reeducated (and in some cases educated) the general public on how bills are passed into law.

As surprising as it is to note, without the senators digging in their heels and using every trick known to them to stall voting on the bill, people would not be interested and the bill would also simply pass without national recognition or involvement. Think about it, this is probably one of the most hotly debated issues among people today- and not just the bill itself, but the process it has gone through. A year ago, I doubt that I could remember back from my 9th grade Civics class and schoolhouse rock learnings how a bill became law. More importantly, I really didn't care. Thanks to the media attention garnered, and the constant stalling, I and many other Americans know and care once again. Also, I should note that having a politician boyfriend has not affected my interest so much but has more or less been an exceptional resource when I don't understand some of the terminology or just need someone to explain my views to.

Here is hoping that the newly garnered interest in American politics will lead to something positive. However unlikely that may be.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009


This made me laugh, heartily

Make sure you read what the mother has to say.

In the life of Beth:

Christmas is coming, I'm completely done with shopping and such, I'm not looking forward to driving home in a blizzard, but whatever. I'm excited to see some people as they come back from grad schools around the country, and even the world (ha! I get to count my friend that lives in Cambridge, UK). Driving up North should be fun, MN is supposed to get a blizzard starting that day through the weekend. Good thing I will have good company!

We're having a New Year's party this year, I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for it...