Wednesday, November 19, 2008

pet peeve

random pet peeve of the week:

when Athiests take the Lord's name in vain.

seriously, if you don't believe in Him, then don't swear on his name. Not only is it offensive, but it also makes no fucking sense.

Friday, November 07, 2008


For some inexplicable reason, I'm thrilled to be alive lately. There is no getting me down. Maybe I'm bipolar? Except for that feeling like I can accomplish anything, I don't have that.
Perhaps it's because I've finally faced the fact that I will accomplish what I set out to do, it's going to suck in the meantime, and I might as well be happy about it than not- otherwise I'm going to be miserable. There really is no getting around that.
I officially took the job with Ecolab. Now I just have to graduate. I'm really excited, now I just need to figure out where/with who I will be living. I don't really want to live by myself, but if I don't know anyone staying in the area, then I probably will instead of getting a random off Craig's list. I'm really excited to start there. I'm also really excited to finish college.
Senioritis has taken hold, fairly strongly. I think its knowing that my college GPA does not matter anymore, unless I want to get into a Master's program eventually (which I do, so I'm not completely dissing my grades). But also, at this point, my mind is just set on passing.
I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving. Here's hoping that I can finish my mitten while I'm there, and hopefully start on a hat. I'm starting to need those...
Lately I've been obsessed with John Wayne. What a stud, really. I think I'm going to get a framed poster of him, and put it next to The Godfather one that I already have. Fantastic decorations for my future bachelorette pad. I've also been inspired lately to find a life size storm trooper outfit and light saber for display. On the order of the bachelorette pad, I find that I'm being pressured to buy my guy friends' HDTV. They bought a Costco (40"?) one for about $750 about a year ago and plan on selling it for just under that. I'm not sure how I feel about this- I don't think I would really use that big of a TV, but it would be pretty sweet to have. I'm at an internal conflict: on one hand, the TV is pretty nice and if my friends want to sell it to me it means that no one else can really take it as easily off their hands, but on the other hand I really don't want or need one that large. Yeah, my plan was to get a nice HDTV, but a normal sized one. It's not like I'm going to have people over all the time like they do now, it would be pretty cool if I did, but most of the time it would just be me. I also know next to nothing about how to work it, and it would also mean a larger cable bill because I'll probably want the HD channels and fast internet. At this point, I'm kind of hoping that one of them will buy it so I don't have to decide.
Personally, I think that this is not a horrible problem to have :)