Sunday, April 27, 2008


It's really not supposed to snow in April. Dang, Minnesota. Dang.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I feel like...Computer.

Everyone says I shouldn't use Microsoft Vista. Well, I guess not everyone, but most people. Especially Mac users.

Let's examine the alternatives to Microsoft Vista, and I will explain exactly why I am using Vista (and much content with it, I may add).

Possible Alternative 1-Linux, and any other GNU OS.
Although I love the sound of free, I've witnessed way too many problems with Linux for me ever to trust it as my primary OS. Many friends of mine have it as secondary operating systems, for good reason. For one, I feel that there is a steep learning curve for this, having never used it I don't know for sure, but it seems programming-intensive. It definitely seems that one needs a knowledge of elementary programming before using this software. Furthermore, many programs that I use do not run on Linux systems. I realize that there are substitutes, for most of the programs, and the rest will probably eventually run on Linux, but in the meantime, I'm going to stick to one of the main two.

Possible Alternative 2- Windows XP
Quite frankly, unavailable for the most part, and is getting phased out. Why bother.

This leaves only one alternative to Vista, being MAC OSX. dun dun dunnn....

Possible Alternative 3-OSX
Let me be the first to say that any (current) MAC system is beautiful. Honestly, there is no equal when comparing functionality and style with the MAC systems. Unfortunately, I could give a crap about style when it comes to my computer. Give me a 5 lb laptop, if it can run, has good power/functionality, is fast, is reliable, and is CHEAP. Unfortunately, no such thing exists that can be bought in the mass market to date, that I've seen.
However, the functionality/style combo is not the only thing attractive to using a MAC- the monitors are remarkably better, and they (used to) run a lot better than their competition. Currently, I feel that the competition has since stepped up and they are on equal ground. Please correct me if I am wrong on this one, it's not something I've researched. I've also heard that "once you go MAC you don't go back". As amusing as the quip is, I also know several people that have bought PC's after obtaining MAC systems and are perfectly happy with them.
MAC is doing a lot to improve their system, including allowing others to publish MAC compatible software, thus allowing for a greater breadth of consumers (aka gamers), and dissolving the idea of buying a PC just for the games.
Furthermore, I really can't seem to find any problem with the assistance given on MAC computers by their technical staff, except that it might be expensive-but really, what technical help is not?

So why am I using a Vista system?

From the small dissertation above, the only real competition for me personally is OSX. And I would heartily recommend this system to people who want the best style/functionality combination, a space saving machine, or are into media design. Personally, I'm an engineer, and am not in the mood to pay another grand for a screen that is more clear. This is what it boils down to: price.
If Steve Jobs wanted to sell more Macintosh laptops, he would take a pay break- trust me, he wouldn't notice too much- and sell his laptops at a comparable price to PC's with the same specs. For example, I recently bought my current laptop (HP Pavillion dv6500) for approximately $1000. The cheapest Macbook on the market now (according to their website) sells for $100 more, has the same processor, 1GB less of RAM, and 80 GB less of hard drive space, and the same features otherwise. So why buy this Macbook? Why pay $100 more for a lesser computer, just for the name?

This short answer, to why I run Vista? It's cheaper for the exact same thing in a PC, that (to my personal experience) is just as reliable as a MAC system.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fool's!

So I just figured out my schedule for next semester- I'm happy with how it's turned out, even though I will have a sucky 8AM lab, but I've done those before! so hah! take that Chem. E.! (go Physics?)
I'm having a strange night with no homework, and absolutely no motivation to do anything. Lately my life has just seemed on track. This only means one thing- hell is about to break loose and unleash its fury on my life. Something big is about to happen.
Enormously great news yesterday from the research that I've been doing, however no one wants to celebrate with me. Sadness. Am I that big of a bitch?
no. seriously. am I?
I'm in a strange mood tonight- like forlorn mixed with content.
I also ruined a pair of jeans today. Fortunately they were my least favorite pair.
It was Matt's birthday on Saturday. I think he had fun-he got mad at me because I apparently 'spoiled' him, which I didn't. He kept finding the good in situations, and exclaiming that they were so because it was his birthday. This made me smile for pretty much the entire night.
I made an offer I will have to back out on. A few weeks ago, I told C that I would start a Flickr 365 project with her in June (for moral support). After thinking further about the subject, I realized that not only do I dislike being the subject of pictures, but also this blog is probably stretching my limits as far as comfort zones go, and that's only because I've been blogging for nearly 4 years now, and I like to convince myself that no one reads it anyway.
I have to wonder though, what happens at day 366(or 367 for the leap year)? Is it a feeling of accomplishment or emptiness? I suppose it would be different for everyone, but I would imagine after taking a photograph of yourself for an entire year, it may become second nature or a part of the daily routine. On the other hand, it is an enormous accomplishment to have kept with something for so long, imo.
Maybe I'll quiz people once they finish.