Sunday, November 26, 2006


Happy Thanksgiving! I guess it's been a while since my last update. The semester is almost over, and its been a very busy one for me. Fortunately I'm still surviving and probably doing the best I've ever done in college. Trust me, I'm not getting used to it.
Fred, my younger brother, is engaged to his girlfriend of 3? years. Its very exciting but somewhat scary, considering that hes younger than I. I get used to it a little more every day, and I kind of figured it would happen eventually. I'm really happy for him though, she is really a great person and he's lucky to have her. I think he knows it too.
Work is going awesome, I'm still at the internship. I don't get in as many hours as I would like to, but a general update on what is going on is always nice. Plus I like the spending money.
I'm really sick of staying in the dorms. I'm ready to be OUT. Getting my bathroom cleaned for me is nice, however. Eating UDS everyday, not so much. There are five of us, myself included, that want to get an apartment together. Unfortunately, most apartments are for four people. We found apartments that will take five people but the one we want to get into has only five potentially available apartments. I pray that we get one, otherwise we have to resort to plan B which sounds like we will have to kick one person out or find another person or something to that extent and get two rooms. That doesn't sound like fun, imo. I just hope this works out.
I'm really excited to move out of here. I asked for a toaster for Christmas, I'm that excited. Living a yell away from all the guys, I'll definitely miss though.
I figured out that I'm paying about $1000 a month to live here, food and board. $600 is rent, understandable given that its pretty much downtown Minneapolis and on campus. $400 for food?!?! wtf. plus it sucks hardcore.
I figure you can probably feed four or five on about $200 a month... good estimate?
Matt and I are doing wonderful. there really isn't much to comment on other than that. Well, and I don't know what to get him for Christmas. I guess I have a little less than a month to figure it out.
I made him a pie. I'm so proud of myself. So homey. And I can show off my baking skills- hey, i can't make dinner but I'm pretty damn good at dessert.
well, anything with a recipe anyway.
That's all for now, take it easy... and happy belated Turkey Day!